Don't Agree With Your Doctor's Vaccine Advice? Keep It To Yourself, Or Big Brother Will Know

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Latest From Bob Livingston June 3, 2013
The Revolution Goes On… The Revolution Goes On… »
The body of a nation dies when it gets so congested that it can't live. It seems that a full measure of corruption must implode a nation before it can begin anew. Revolution takes time. It's a gradualism that the population is oblivious to. Most people cannot imagine that the U.S. is in a state of economic and social collapse, even though the signs and indicators are everywhere. More »

On Your Own

A Catalyst For Survival? A Catalyst For Survival? »
In September 2005, several members of my family were victims of Hurricane Rita. The hurricane scored a direct hit on the small town of Zavalla, Texas, where they were hunkered down in a storm cellar. They went seven days without running water, air conditioning or heating. More »

2nd Amendment Under Fire

Colorado Senate President Faces Recall In Voter Backlash Over Gun Grab Colorado Senate President Faces Recall In Voter Backlash Over Gun Grab »
Colorado Senate President John Morse is the highest-profile legislator who supported the State's trio of new gun-control laws in March. But he and others are now fighting to keep their seats, as residents warm to the growing nationwide push to recall lawmakers whose in-office actions don't reflect what voters thought they were getting at election time. More »

Personal Liberty News
Gallup: Despite Economic Optimism, America In A Hiring Slump Gallup: Despite Economic Optimism, America In A Hiring Slump »
Any American with a basic understanding of economics must recognize one undeniable truth: Small business is at the heart of the Nation's economy. And according to a recent Wells Fargo/Gallup poll, the country may be headed toward a flatline. More »

What's 'Affordable' About the Affordable Care Act? California Premiums Set To Increase 64 Percent To 146 Percent What's 'Affordable' About the Affordable Care Act? California Premiums Set To Increase 64 Percent To 146 Percent »
Buyers of individual insurance plans in California are bracing for sticker shock as the Jan. 1 start date for President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act approaches. More »

Don't Agree With Your Doctor's Vaccine Advice? Keep It To Yourself, Or Big Brother Will Know Don't Agree With Your Doctor's Vaccine Advice? Keep It To Yourself, Or Big Brother Will Know »
American and British scientists, with the help of funding through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have developed an Internet-based global monitoring system that's capable of mining social media sites for opinions that diverge from mainstream medical advice on the safety and urgency of getting vaccinated. More »

You Sound Off!

The Leftist Media, John McCain And An Oregon Man

Commenting on Why Is The Leftist Media Going After The IRS Victims?,
A.M. F says:
May 31, 2013 at 10:02 a.m.
I would bet it's motivated by the egg smears on the faces of the Leftist Media! They will never admit they were back-stabbed and humilitated for all the years and BS of kissing-up to this administration. BUT we know were conned, manipulated, disgraced and discredited.

Commenting on Reports: McCain Hung With Terrorists, Kidnappers,
Average_Joe56 says:
May 31, 2013 at 6:15 a.m.
"Reports: McCain *Hung* With Terrorists, Kidnappers In Syria"
If only...
A man can dream...right? ;)

Commenting on Oregon Man Fires Warning Shot At Felon Attempting To Break Into Home, Gets Hauled To Jail,
JimH says:
May 30, 2013 at 3:23 p.m.
If he had fired the Joe Biden double barrel shotgun into the air, instead of one of those evil AR-15's into the ground, he would have been OK.
Or he could have waited until Mr. Kinsella was in the house and put one into his forehead.
No one was hurt and Mt Thompson is in more trouble than the burglar.
What's wrong with this picture?
 More »

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