Dirty Business of the Catholic Church: Selling indulgences to amass deceitful gains

The Catholic Church finds a business out of anything. Even so-called "salvation"! After all, it is how they have amassed profits throughout history. You see, in 2009 ex-Pope Benedict XVI announced that his faithful can once again pay the Catholic Church to so-called "ease their way through Purgatory" and into the Gates of Heaven.

Lies, lies, lies. Completely contradictory to what is written in the bible in Ephesians 1:3-5 where it clearly states that the children of God were already predestined BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH. Later the same chapter states that this is a GIFT of God - that's right, a gift and not a work of our own - so that no man can boast.

But in their disobedience to the gospel of Grace that is in place, for the criminal Catholic Church Plenary Indulgences are back. The New York Times reported that even though the Catholic church officially broke with the age-old practice -- you do something good, and the Church will help absolve you -- in 1960, the Pope has quietly reintroduced it. The Catholic Church had technically banned the practice of selling indulgences as long ago as 1567.

As the Times points out, a monetary donation wouldn't go amiss toward earning an indulgence. It writes, "charitable contributions, combined with other acts, can help you earn one." You can even buy indulgences this way for loved ones who are already dead, greasing their way to Heaven by doing something for the Catholic Church here on Earth.
Why would the Catholic Church agree to this reversal? It wouldn't be the harsh economy, would it, or the church's fading influence? Not at all, says a Brooklyn bishop. "Because there is sin in the world," he told the newspaper. 
There you have it. Yet another lie. The Man Christ Jesus has clearly reminded the world what is written and that is that there is no more sin! How can there be any sin if that is the reason why he died on the cross - took take sin away once and forever!

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