10.000 Killed In Libya

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10.000 Killed In Libya

Adveniet autem dies Domini ut fur, in qua caeli magno impetu transient, elementa vero calore solventur, et terra et opera, quae in ea invenientur. (2 Peter 3:10) reports at least 10.000 people have been killed in Libya since the start of the protests against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.

Residents of Tripoli are said to fear to even collect the corpses in the streets, as Libyan Forces are reportedly firing at random.

The fury that the regime has unleashed on the revolt by bombing the demonstrators could be even more extreme.

Two Libyan naval vessels had in fact been ordered to "bomb Benghazi by the sea", but they have deserted and are now off the coast of Malta.

It is still unknown how the Iranian warships, which passed through the Suez canal and now are in the area, will act.

Israel News reports Gaddafi will blow up oil pipelines.

With the unrest in the Middle East, oil prices have skyrocketed.

That will of course have a negative impact on employment, inflation, and economic growth in the West.

If the Middle East unrest continues for a long time, violence could spread around the globe and the economic downturn will be serious.

"Deo autem gratias, qui semper triumphat nos in Christo Iesu et odorem notitiae suae manifestat per nos in omni loco", 2 Corinthians 2:14.

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