North Korea Threatens To Attack South Korea, US

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North Korea Threatens To Attack South Korea, US

Haec locutus sum vobis, ut in me pacem habeatis; in mundo pressuram habetis, sed confidite, ego vici mundum. (John 16:33)

Jerusalem Post reports North Korea threatened Sunday to attack South Korea and the United States.

In a statement, North Korea accused South Korea and the US of plotting to launch "limited war" and topple Pyongyang's communist government.

If provoked, the North will start a "full-scale" war and turn Seoul into a "sea of fire", the statement said.

North Korea called the joint drills of South Korea and the United States a "dangerous military scheme".

Pyongyang has called the drills a preparation to invade North Korea.

North Korea issued a statement saying: "Our military and people will take stern military countermeasures against the American imperialists and the South Korean traitors' group".

Earlier Sunday, the North's military warned that it would fire directly at South Korean border towns and destroy them, if Seoul continued to allow activists to launch propaganda leaflets toward the communist country.

Mark Twain said: "God created wars so that Americans would learn geography".

I think it is sad North Korea has nuclear arms, and the country is a time bomb.

However, a war with North Korea seems farfetched at this moment.

But the Americans can in this matter always rely on the full and popular support from all the peoples of the free world.

"Exsurget autem gens super gentem, et regnum super regnum, et erunt terraemotus per loca, et fames; initium dolorum haec", Mark 13:8.

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