At the Root of Evil: What was the cause of Satan’s expulsion from heaven?

Amplify’d from
At the Root of Evil

What was the cause of Satan’s expulsion from heaven? Isa. 14:12–14. What does it say about  freedom that even in a perfect environment, heaven, this terrible trait was able to arise?

Lucifer began to become dissatisfied with his position. Lucifer wanted more than it was his right to have  he literally wanted to be God. This desire of his resulted in him getting cast out of heaven. The bible tells  us that “There was no longer a place for the Devil and his angels in heaven” (Rev 12:6). The bible also tells  us that the angles lost their first estate (Jude 1:6). Lucifer and his angles lost their place in heaven because  they were grasping at a position that was not rightfully theirs. It is amazing to think that something like this could happen in heaven. Heaven was a perfect place and if this type of thing could happen in heaven it definitely could happen on this earth.

Read James 3:16, 17. What contrasts are presented here? What should this tell us about how damaging and demonic jealousy is?

When we seek to promote ourselves rather than God we are stepping on dangerous grounds. The bible tells us that when you have jealousy and selfish ambition than every evil thing exists. The wisdom from God is characterized by purity peace and reason. God’s wisdom is pure through and through.

Lucifer did not look at what he had; instead, he chose to contemplate what Christ had. How often do we tend to do something similar? How much jealousy and envy do you harbor for those who have “more” than you? How can you overcome this dangerous emotion?

I believe the key to overcoming this is to learn to become satisfied with what God has given you. We must learn to be thankful for what we have and do not worry about what we do not have. (Heb. 12:5) We must also learn that whatever state we are in to trust God (Phil 4:12). We are blessed no matter what we have or what we do not have, God has truly been good to all of us.

Prayer: Father we help us to trust in you. Help us to recount all the blessings that you have given us an not the things that we do not have. Teach us to be thankful. In Jesus name amen.


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