Arab Unrest Signals Messiah's Coming

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Arab Unrest Signals Messiah's Coming

Ipse Spiritus testimonium reddit spiritui nostro, quod sumus filii Dei. (Romans 8:16)

Ynetnews reports prominent rabbis from the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox sector explain Mideast uprisings as a clear proof that a higher power is at work.

Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman, the leader of the ultra-Orthodox Lithuanian sector in Bnei Brak, blames the instability in the Middle East on contemptuous attitudes toward Torah study.

Steinman said: "Recently it appears that there is a powerful effort to destroy and agitate the world of the Torah, through various attempts to prosecute kollels and yeshiva students".

Steinman continued: "When you try to agitate the world of the Torah, God agitates the world".

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, an unconventional Lithuanian leader who is believed to have mystic powers, said "that any unrest that God creates shows that the Messiah is coming, and that we must begin to prepare for it and become stronger".

Another prominent rabbi, Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, is certain that God is causing the turmoil in order to put the people in their place.

Lefkowitz said the one who does not see that God is running the world is not evil, but a fool.

That was a wise statement!

According to Elijah the Tishbite, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the next U.S. President chosen to be.

Asia Times Online reports the global cascade of "Jasmine revolutions" in the Middle East and North Africa appears to have entered North Korea.

Hundreds of protesters are said to have clashed with security forces in North Korea.

The clashes in North Korea seem to be "an eruption of long pent-up discontent".

The President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the European Union have chosen to sit idle and to passively watch the revolutions in the world without interfering.

I approve of that policy.

We should only interfere if a minority is threatened by extinction, but that is not the case in any of the nations now in turmoil.

In Libya as in the other revolting nations, it must be up to the local populations to fight out their own future without foreign intervention.

All we can do is to watch and deplore all the killings and all the deaths.

To support puppets with billions of dollars, would not only be a waste of money, but would also be counter productive as it would turn those populations against us in the long term.

But we should pray for all nations in the name of Jesus Christ.

"Sine offensione estote Iudaeis et Graecis et ecclesiae Dei", 1 Corinthians 10:32.

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