U.S. military has a serious pornography problem with 70 sexual abuse cases happening each day

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The U.S. military has a serious pornography problem and now we're seeing the consequences with at least 70 sexual abuse cases happening each day.

96580692-official-portraitToady, Morality in Media called on Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to do more
 to prevent sexual assaults in the military. In a letter to Hagel, which can be viewed at, MIM requests the Secretary to order the removal of all items of pornography for sale in military exchange services, commissaries, and ships to help curb the plague of sexual assaults that afflict the United States Military at this time. In addition, MIM encourages the military to adopt a policy that prohibits access to pornography on all bases. (You can see our press release on this here.)

It's important to note that Hagel has already called for the removal of "offensive" materials military workspaces. He recognizes that pornography contributes to a hostile and sexually offensive environment. We are jumping on this development and calling on him to take even more precautions. Private corporations don't allow access to pornography on the job, why should our military?

photo-1Despite federal laws which specifically prohibit the sale of pornography on military bases, the Department of Defense allows no less than 12 different porn magazines to be sold on U.S. bases around the world. Last week, I went to the now infamous Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX which is under close watch because they had at least 52 reported sexual assaults last year and now have 34 instructors under investigation for sexual harassment. I wanted to see if, after all of this, they'd changed their ways. NO! They're still selling porn.

Research shows a strong link between pornography and increased sexual violence. The increase in sexual assaults in the military is not surprising because of the widespread use of pornography in the military.

Many doors are opening on this issue. We are meeting with key members of Congress this week AND will launch a public campaign this week. Stay tuned. We'll need your help to speak up on this!

MIM_pic_dawn3 2Thank you for your support!
Dawn Hawkins
Executive Director, Morality In Media

Contact us at
This effort is directed by Morality In Media, Inc.

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