The Sinister Truth About Obama And Islam

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Latest From John Myers June 5, 2013
The Sinister Truth About Obama And Islam The Sinister Truth About Obama And Islam »
The ultra-Left continues to see him as a transformative figure that will remake America. His critics agree that President Barack Obama wants to change America, but not for the better. I decided to find out by reading half a dozen books and taking notes over the past few months. More »

Freedom Watch

Monsanto Killing U.S. Agriculture Monsanto Killing U.S. Agriculture »
There was a time when America was the world’s breadbasket. As the global agricultural power, American crops like corn, wheat and soy fed the world. No more. More »

Power Of The State

The Real IRS Scandal: The Tea Party Is Small Potatoes The Real IRS Scandal: The Tea Party Is Small Potatoes »
The IRS/Tea Party Scandal doesn't hold a candle to the size and scope of IRS abuses… So, it sheds no light on anything. Let's boil this scandal down to simple words; words like "Tea Party" and "Patriot" and "Constitutional"; words that when used in paperwork to become tax exempt organizations, keep the people filing from being treated fairly.  More »

Personal Liberty News
A 2016 Presidential Clown Car: A Wrestler, A Shock Jock, A Comb Over, And New Republicans? A 2016 Presidential Clown Car: A Wrestler, A Shock Jock, A Comb Over, And New Republicans? »
The disappointing results of the last Presidential election are still fresh on the minds of many conservatives. Perhaps that’s why many people can’t stop talking about possible Presidential contenders for 2016. Headlines this week have brought Americans who care to look ahead to 2016 two longshot possible contenders. More »

Department Of Labor Asked Associated Press For $1 Million Before Handing Over Info Department Of Labor Asked Associated Press For $1 Million Before Handing Over Info »
Under the Freedom of Information Act, a government agency can’t charge a news organization for any cost associated with producing documents it requests, other than for photocopies exceeding 100 pages. But the U.S. Department of Labor initially demanded that the Associated Press hand over $1 million when it requested a list of “secret” government email addresses surreptitiously being used by several of President Barack Obama’s political appointees. Is the Obama Administration hiding something? More »

French Report Of Sarin In Syria Increases Prospect Of International Conflict French Report Of Sarin In Syria Increases Prospect Of International Conflict »
On Tuesday, French investigators indicated that there was no doubt the Syrian fighters are using deadly sarin gas in the nation, increasing calls from some hawks and liberal humanitarians for U.S. military intervention in the conflict. More »

2nd Amendment Under Fire

Immigration Amnesty Could Have 2nd Amendment Implications

The ongoing debate over whether to include amnesty as a feature in the immigration bill before Congress may not have obvious implications for Americans’ right to bear arms. But, as a memo from Gun Owners of America points out, amnesty could tip the balance in favor of Liberal gun control politics in some parts of the country.
The amnesty bill, if it survives, could eventually create anywhere from 11.5 million to 20 million new American citizens. There’s no guarantee how those new citizens would vote, or in what numbers.
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