MIM's Pentagon Watch on Sexual Exploitation Launched Today

TASKS: Pentagon Watch and TV Decency

1. MIM's Pentagon Watch on Sexual Exploitation Launched Today

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It is critical that the Department of Defense address the military's pornography problem in order to change the culture of exploitation now rampant in our U.S. Military. We just launched the "PENTAGON WATCH" today in which we will send 1-3 memos each week to key leaders and supporters highlighting the problem of pornography in the military. ACTION: READ AND SHARE Volume 1: "Sen. Sessions Warns of Sexually Exploitive Magazines at Military Sexual Assault Hearing."

This week we are meeting with many Senate and House members regarding this issue. Yesterday, three of our staff attended the Senate Hearing on military sexual assaults. Pat Trueman, our President and CEO, was able to talk personally with Senators McCain, Ayotte, Graham, Sessions, Leed, Blumenthal, and King about the fact that pornography is being sold on military bases, despite laws which prohibit it. All of them want to meet with us in a longer meeting about this problem.

Senator Angus King (D-ME) studied the picture Pat showed him and then said "You mean the Pentagon says that is not sexually explicit?!" Then Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) held up our picture and letter to Defense Secretary Hagel during the hearing and pointed out the problems of pornography in this sex abuse crisis. See video

CONGRESS IS NOW LISTENING! They're getting that pornography often creates an atmosphere of sexual violence and objectification.

2. Stopping Nudity and Profanity from being Allowed on Broadcast TV

We've been talking about this for a while now, so won't share all the history (see here if you've missed it) - but we're hard at work meeting with key Congressional members on this issue, as well as fellow allied groups to strategize a bigger attack plan. The public comment period to object to this proposed change by the Federal Communications Commission was extended to June 19th. ACTION: If you have not yet filed a comment, please DO SO ASAP! It is a tedious process, but is the only way they will officially accept the public's input. 

Here's how:
1. Go to
2. Enter the code “13-86″ in the “Proceeding Number” box and fill out the few remaining required fields.
3. Enter your comment in the text box provided and click “Continue.”
4. From there, review your comment and click “Confirm.”

What's next on this issue:
There will be a reply period June 20-July 19 in which you can weigh in on others' comments (you'll be able to respond to the broadcast networks' arguments to allow nudity and profanity). Additionally, a new Chairman of the FCC, as well as a Republican FCC Commissioner will be approved by Congress in the next few months - so we'll have a big contact Congress campaign starting in the next week or two to make sure these two individuals are committed to enforcing broadcast decency standards.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Hope you can see that BIG things are happening and every donation, every petition signature, every conversation you're having about this issue is part of the reason. Every little bit that you do is helping to create a BIGGER MOVEMENT!

MIM_pic_dawn3 2Best,
Dawn Hawkins
Executive Director
Morality In Media


Contact us at
This effort is directed by Morality In Media, Inc.

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