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1995 - Militiamen Warn Congress - Back Off! (Stunning Video) (video)
It is GREAT to see organizing and preparation taking place (back in
1995) for what is Clearly Approaching.. And I love that this speaker is
from Ohio, being an Ohioan myself. Original Air Date: June 16, 1995
Given the age of this below congressional hearing and the animosity
shown then.....
Infowars Reporters Confront Bilderberg Security Team (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Intellihub.
Infowars reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Richard Reeves confront
Bilderberg Security Team at The Grove Hotel in Watford WATFORD – A metal
sculpture representing Trans Humanism at The Grove in Watford, England.
By Avalon June 3, 2013 Only hours ago, Infowars
reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Richard Reeves confronted...
RussiaToday: ‘Looks Like War’: Barricades & tear gas fill Turkish streets as clashes continue
CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew.
[video] Be prepared for the next great transfer of wealth. Buy physical
silver and storable food. A wave of violence in Turkey has seen riot
police clash with protesters for a fourth day running. Security forces
used tear gas and water cannons, as protesters responded with stones and
built barricades....
China, India, Pakistan Boost Nuclear Arsenals
CURATOR: Mort Amsel.
5 nuclear armed powers have decreased their payloads while 3 others,
China, India and Pakistan have increased theirs. China now has 250
nuclear warheads against 240 in 2012, while Pakistan has increased its
warheads by about 10 to between 100 and 120 and India has also added
roughly 10 for...
Unions Call For General Strike In Turkey June 4th, 5th And 6th
CURATOR: Mort Amsel.
Turkey's major trade unions, including The Confederation of
Revolutionary Trade Unions (DISK), The Confederation of Public Workers'
Unions (KESK), and the Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen)
are calling for a general strike in Turkey to protest the brutal regime
of PM Erdogan June 4th, 5th and 6th. The...
Author: "Treason In The White House, Congress & The State Department" - The US Was Subverted By Soviet Agents Back In The 1930's According To Author Diana West (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die.
Did the Soviet Union 'subvert' the United States as far back as the
1930's as author Diana West has stated as the final conclusion of her
latest book, “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s
Character”? According to West, now a syndicated columnist, the
conclusion her book came to...
Earthchanges Intensifying: Is Planet’s Magnetic North Pole migration accelerating? (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Extinction Protocol: 2012 Earthchanges and News Event.
June 3, 2013 – EARTH – The discovery by NASA rover Curiosity of
evidence that water once flowed on Mars – the most Earth-like planet in
the solar system – should intensify interest in what the future could
hold for mankind. The only thing stopping Earth having a lifeless
Cancer Killing Dandelion Tea Gets Research Grant
CONTRIBUTOR: - We teach you the truth.
Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additional $157,000
grant for a total of $217,000 to study how effective dandelion root
extract is in fighting cancer. Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the
University of Windsor, has been studying the anti-cancer potential of
dandelion root extract for almost two years. His...
Truck Driver Nearly Beaten To Death By Police For Not Signing Traffic Ticket (Video) (video)
CURATOR: Mort Amsel.
A truck driver was beaten within an inch of his life by California
Highway Patrol for not signing a traffic ticket that he could not read.
The driver, who broke no laws, was beaten so badly that he woke up in a
trauma hospital. Mr. Olegs Kozacenko, a russian immigrant...
Venezuela Bans GM Seeds
CURATOR: Zen Gardner.
Venezuela is going forward in the defintive elaboration and approval
for a law guaranteeing security and sovereignty against the threat of
transgenic seeds, said Socialist deputy Alfredo Urena. Urena said in an
interview to Venezolana de Television how important this is to preserve
the biological diversity of the nation and...
CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew
CONTRIBUTOR: - We teach you the truth
CONTRIBUTOR: MR. Conservative
CURATOR: Mort Amsel
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