Top 10 Trending Stories

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Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March

Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March CONTRIBUTOR: Intellihub. This past weekend Hundreds of Gunowners staged a successful armed march in Temple, TX with Loaded Weapons At the “Come and Take it March”. Photo: Temple Daily Telegram Intellihub.comJune 4, 2013 A week ago this notice was posted by concerned gun owners in the state of Texas: We will be...


BO’s Off The Books Meeting With World’s Most Powerful Communist Dictator…

BO’s Off The Books Meeting With World’s Most Powerful Communist Dictator… CURATOR: John Rolls. A rather odd vacation/fundraiser/meet up with Chinese dictator President Xi Jinping is slated for this week as Barack Obama flies off to Palm Springs to attend TWO political fundraisers, no doubt at least one round of golf, and oddly enough, a meeting with the world’s most powerful communist dictator at...


Biggest Gold Mine In The World Shutdown: Is This The Catalyst Gold Has Been Awaiting?

CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from Seeking Alpha: In an earlier article we laid out the case for the importance of annual gold mining production and how it heavily influences the supply picture of physical gold. Gold mining companies have been having a tough time controlling gold costs, and the true all-in costs of an...


Descent Into Tyranny: The Fate of Free Humanity Is At Stake *Micro Doc*

CONTRIBUTOR: Mac. A Descent Into Tyranny: (Video follows excerpts) Welcome to the future. The police and military become indistinguishable in the effort to generate fear in the public so that the cowardly give up their liberty. … The military polices the streets, not to protect against a foreign invader, but to enforce...


Flooding :Armageddon Weather Sinks Europe (video)

Flooding :Armageddon Weather Sinks Europe CURATOR: youngneill. Flooding caused by heavy rain continues to cause problems in central Europe. “It’s peaking in Prague right now and by the evening the wave will get to Usti and Labem,” about 30 kilometres up the Elbe river from the German border, a spokesman for the Czech Hydrometeorogical Institute, told AFP....


An Open Letter to the Reluctant Prepper

An Open Letter to the Reluctant Prepper CONTRIBUTOR: Backdoor Survival. Becoming prepared can be a lonely journey.  Family members scoff and friends roll their eyes and shy away, thinking you have joined the tin foil hat society. You want to share and you want to talk but say too much to the wrong people and you may be setting yourself up...


Hemp Oil’s Healing Benefits Now Legally Attainable Anywhere After Years of Suppression

Hemp Oil’s Healing Benefits Now Legally Attainable Anywhere After Years of Suppression CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society. Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society Up until the late 1930s, industrial hemp agriculture thrived. Tinctures and tonics of medicinal hemp with the psychoactive ingredient THC were prescribed by AMA physicians and dispensed in pharmacies. In 1937, Dr. William Woodward, AMA federal legislative counsel, discovered too late that Federal Bureau of Narcotics...


10-Year Study Confirms Carrots’ Heart-Boosting Benefits Once Again

10-Year Study Confirms Carrots’ Heart-Boosting Benefits Once Again CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society. Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society Could a carrot a day keep the cardiologist away? It’s quite possible. Because heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, we obviously need to look at every potentially beneficial solution—but particularly the natural and preventative ones. While a healthy diet and regular...


Wake-Up Call 2013 Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War - Video - Share (video)

Wake-Up Call 2013 Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War - Video - Share CURATOR: John Rolls. Published on May 19, 2013 Civil unrest coming to America. Make this viral and get the word out!...


Why Men Do Evil (While Wearing A Badge)

Why Men Do Evil (While Wearing A Badge) CONTRIBUTOR: James Smith, Contributor | Sometimes in this crazy world we get lost in the noise and bustle of everyday life. We hear stories that cause us fear and concern. We know a friend-of-a-friend that has a second cousin that… But stories are just a part of a person’s life. Each...
