Re: index librorum prohibitorum

XXXXXXX wrote: Tom, I am nearly sure that you know the Index was ABOLISHED in the mid-1960's by Paul VI. I was a teen then and I clearly remember the event. Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur, and a third related term that I forget, since then have applied only to works that express official Catholic doctrine. Their effect is only to let Catholics know of that fact. The Index no longer exists in any form.


For argument's sake, I'll just take your word for it that the Index is abolished. So that means there would be no harm in forwarding all your emails to your Bishop proving that you listen to an "heretical" Internet Radio Broadcast on a regular basis. If that would be no problem for you, simply send me his email address. Or if you wish, I can just find out for myself. But I won't do it without your approval. I'll wait.

As always, you insult my intelligence. You're so loyal to your Cult that you even nullify your own intelligence. You conveniently ignore the fact that if Pope Paul VI (Vat II) abolished the Index (to expediently suggest to the brain-dead "separated brethren" (who are officially and infallibly declared "heretics to be burned" by the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent) that the Whore has truly changed), one of His infallible successors can just as well re-instate the Index (under a different name of course) when doing so becomes even more expedient.

I don't mean to insult you. But you're so easy, XXXXXXX! The point is, the Index existed and it was the Catholic Cult's invention and the Bible was on the Index of forbidden books to be read, which is strange for a "church" that calls itself "Christian," especially one that calls itself the One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic, outside of which no flesh can be saved! Abolished or not, you know as well as I do that when Catholicism rises to controlling authority in this country, with the help of the brain-dead Ecu-Maniacal Evanjellybellies who are reuniting with their Whorish, Romish Mother, the Index will rise from the grave and there will be no freedom of speech, thought, religion, conscience, press, etc etc etc. Of course, you would insist that there has been no erosion of those rights in this country despite the "Patriot Act" and innumerable "Presidential Directives" that have literally gutted the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And if you were to acknowledge the destruction of those basic rights, certainly you wouldn't attribute any of it to the control that your Cult has exerted over the "secular power" just as it has always asserted by Divine Right. And most certainly you would deny the words of Mr. Richard John Neuhaus, who now awaits the second resurrection and who said during Antichrist Benedict XVI's U.S. visit in 2008, "No man has the right to choose his own religion. No man has the right to choose what he will believe." And surely you will deny that he said it on the set of "World Over Live" in full view of the EWTN cameras. And if you don't deny what he said, then certainly you would suggest that I've taken him out of context somehow!

I'm no fool, XXXXXXX. So don't play me for one!

Repent of Antichrist, XXXXXXX. Put down your images and idols and your phony "sacrifice" and the diabolical traditions of wicked men who enslave, control, and oppress God's people, including you. Then learn to serve Christ and Him alone before it's too late. Catholicism isn't Christianity at all, XXXXXXX. It is Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Catholicism's roots are clearly discovered in ancient Babylon, and this fact is even admitted in the Catholic encyclopedia. If you are a regular listener to Inquisition Update, then you already have those official encyclopedic citations. The bloody history of the Roman Cult should convince any sane mind. The GLOBAL Pedophile Priest Pandemic should convince even an insane mind. And don't seek refuge in any Ecu-Maniacal Evanjellybelly church either. That's like trying to walk down the up escalator. All Roads Lead to Rome. Get a Bible and learn about your Savior and get to know Him. I think you'll find Him, His Heavenly Kingdom, and His salvation VASTLY superior to His pathetic, earthy, and particularly gaudy counterfeit.

Good grief, could you, a seemingly intelligent man, refer to a mere sinful fallen flesh no different than you or me as, "Holy Father?" How could any sane man bow down to a mere man much less pray to or "through" an image of stone or wood or metal.....made by the hand of sinful fallen man, all of which you do? Surely you understand what an insult it was to the Creator when His people bowed down and worshiped a golden calf. Why can't you comprehend that your Cult is just the latter day archetype of that original prophetic type? When you read in the Bible about God's wrath against the Jews for worshiping the "Queen of Heaven," how is it that you can't see the same blasphemous abomination committed by command in your Cult? How is it that someone of your intellect can twist his own mind to believe in the hocus pocus of the mass? How is it that wicked men have perverted your mind to believe that the Lamb of Almighty God should be sacrificed perpetually as though His one time, all sufficient sacrifice was not the only propitiation that God would accept to redeem you? And if His sacrifice did redeem you, pray tell what efficacy can you place in a half baked, albeit very impressive, ritual? What satisfaction or justification do you derive from writing me once again to nit pick about trivial things when there's an elephant standing on your neck?

Look up into God's vast Creation some clear starlit night and see His handiwork. And then comprehend the inconceivable glory and power that Created it. Then look at your feeble old pedophile in Rome and ask yourself.....would the Righteous Creator of all Heaven and Earth leave this filth to be His representative to men? That's the elephant that is standing on your neck, XXXXXXX, and you want to nit pick about the Index? You're far too intelligent for that. Do you think that I'm only trying to flatter you? Look to what depravity and confusion your Cult has brought you! Strip the vestments off those priests and see them for the blasphemous, pompous pigs they are. You're far more dignified than they, but you are reduced to groveling at their feet as though they were God's representatives on earth. Don't you think the Creator of all Heaven and Earth can represent Himself to you? After all, He made you! Didn't He?

What pleasure do you think the Glorious Creator of all Heaven and Earth has in your monotonous repetitive prayers as though He's too stupid to know the content of your heart before you ever open your mouth, much less need to hear them repeated as though He were as deaf as the images through which you worship Him? Do you comprehend that your monotonous repetitive prayers would insult the intelligence of any mere man, no matter how base his intellect? And yet you are taught that God demands and delights in such prayers from you even when you yourself would be insulted and offended if I spoke to you in such monotonous repetitiveness. God is not a witch that He can be charmed by incantations. Stop consulting the Witch at Rome and seek God's face, XXXXXXX! Christ came to deliver His people from the "religious" human oppressor, XXXXXXX. In the Name of the Christ the Redeemer, claim your liberty in Christ and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and stop insulting Him by putting sinful, wicked men and images and idols and "religion" in His rightful place.

There is real peace and rest and liberty in Jesus, XXXXXXX. Seek Him while He may yet be found.

In the Name of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, I ask it in your behalf.

Tom Friess
Inquisition Update

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