The Torah is the lost book of the Egyptian god Thoth

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The Torah is the lost book of the Egyptian god Thoth who “expressed in words the                  wishes of Ra,” thus ThoRa.

The Tho-Rah the book the Egyptian claimed was lost, is in truth hidden in plain sight, given to Moses 3500 years ago by its author Yhwh, E.l.h.i.m אֱלֹהִים who is none other than the Egyptian Moon god Thoth, the god of all knowledge and all writing. This is what Lanyadoo claims in his upcoming book the Key to the Library listing over 30 points to support just such assertion.

•           Both Torah and the book of Thoth were reported as, “written with the finger of God,” on a stone provided by God.

•           Both Jews and Egyptians make the identical claim that the book of Thoth/Torah inscribes, “All of the secrets of the universe.”

•           Thoth’s other name "Dawty” became the Hebrew word “Daty,” meaning Religion.  Dat ToRah, meaning the Religion of ToRah, uses both of Thoth’s names. The English word Deity is from the Hebrew Daty meaning Thoth or meaning Religion which are one and the same. The name of his consort, Maat the goddess of Truth, was used for the Hebrew Amet, meaning Truth.

•           The Hebrew name Elohym spells the words El Hayam- אֱלֹ-הִים, meaning “god of the ocean”, which the diacritical marks hide.  Since the moon controls the oceans it is therefore a fitting acronym for the god Thoth. This name also explains the reason why all life is water-based and Earth is a mostly watery planet that possesses a very unique Moon.

•           Yhwh/Tho/Elohim decreed the Jewish holidays basing them specifically on the less accurate moon cycles. It is important to note that Thoth is credited with inventing the 365 day sun year. Shab-aT means Sat Tho.

•           Christian holidays are based on the sun/son god Ra which is the secret reason Christians switched. Chri-smass (callout.sun) and use a calendar based on sun cycle. Together we worship the mysterious Yhwh a.k.a Tho Ra.  Sun-Day celebrates the Sun/son god Ra/Yhwh. It also explains the meaning of the words Vatican beti.can = and Catho-lic = This-sect.for-me. 

Once the Hebrew language codes are used, it becomes clear that the Torah is retelling the Sumerian-Egyptian myth almost verbatim, using very sophisticated computer generated codes.  It somehow manages to combine names with attributes, while formulas become words. 

•           Mc2 becomes C.M.C which spells out shin.mem.shin –Shemesh-Sun.  The formula-word C.M.C expresses how the sun makes energy.  Finally, the speed of light is 300 km/m/s and the letter C-Shin has a value of 300, this makes the Hebrew word, shemesh/sun, CMC identical to Einstein’s famous formula. It wasn’t a coincidence or lucky that Einstein “decided” to go with C (constant) for the speed of light instead of the more natural L.

•           The Sun god Ra appears in Hebrew as the word Or, meaning Light, and Re-a, meaning, See and Mirror. It appears as Ray and Re (re-do, in English. It also appears in IsRaEl=”There is the god Ra” which is the name given Jacob when he asked the name of the god he was fighting.

•           The magic of combining a formula (fo-re-mila = here.see.word) with an attribute was created by gods who according to the Sumerian Atra (Tha-Ra) Hassis myth landed here from the planet Ni-Baru, meaning the crossers in Sumerian(Hebrew–Evri means crosser) in a space ship 432,000 before the flood when Australopithecus roamed the land. They came in search for gold with which to save their planet and left Torah with which to save ours.

The Torah needs to be combined with other myths before we can understand the message these books are carrying: that we Cro-Ma-Gn-on ( were genetically redesigned, created as helpers, salves, “to tend the garden”, this event occurred only recently, a blink of an evolutionary eye ago, but enough time for us to turn from barely surviving primates to gods on Earth advanced enough to understand the To-Rah true message, what truly happened in our past.  Combining DNA (verdicts.god) of aliens and earthlings was the method used to create Adam. A-dam = god.blood,  Adama = Earth, Adam=Earthling with god-Blood, which explains the shape of the Y chromosome which they installed evidenced by the fact that we as Australopithecus had 2X chromosomes. The shape of the Y chromosome was designed to look that way in order to suggest pictorially that two races were combined to one, that’s Y.

This has never been about the past; it’s always been about the fu-Tu-Re(here.Tho.Ra), preparing us for the time the alien ( = god.I) gods return to reside in Ye-Ru-Shalem. Ye-Ru = See/god.Ra    Shalem = complete, paid-up, in-peace. 

  • The word Torah is from the Hebrew word Tor meaning Queue, thus Torah literally means its turn, suggesting what other myths, the Kabbalah, the Sumerian and Egyptian myth claim: that the Torah is a ‘stone of destiny,’ a computer program that pre-determines our future.

  • The Sumerian half-brother gods Enki (Tho) and Enlil (Ra), who rule earth (ear = Ra, th = Tho), moved from Sumer, meaning guardian in Hebrew, to Neter (Egypt) also meaning guardian in Hebrew and changed their names to Thoth and Ra or if you will, Tov & Ra meaning Good & Bad.  The God Yhwh was good-Thov while the bad-Ra in Hebrew, was Ra who secretly impregnated Eve and was therefore depicted with a snake mask or snake headwear. Yhwh meaning Y-howeh =, is a title, not a name and therefore both gods and their father Anu were called Yhwh.

  • Thoth, carried the Ankh, identifying him as the Sumerian god Enki/Tho/Yhwh, the head of the Anaki Gods (Enki) who came from heaven and live forever.  The symbol of eternal life was eventually used as the basis for the cross which Jesus, the son of god, the Israelite, the Crosser who claimed, “I am not of this world,” was nailed to and later resurrected.  The Egyptian and Sumerian myths credit Tho/Yhwh /Enki with resurrective powers. 

  • The New Testament, the Atra-Hassis and the Egyptian myth all tell of the creation of a secret son of god. The Old Testament tells the same story in code claiming Cain is the secret son of god and Eve, the true “first born of creation”. Hare Krishna was also born of a virgin birth to earthling woman and the sun god, his mother placed him in a reed basket and placed it in the river.  He grew up as a cow herder (Moses and David were a sheep herders).  All the myths tell the same story… “The same woman with different clothing” is the Hebrew saying.

•           Is the moon an artificial body? Psalm suggests a time without a moon…the word Moon is from the Hebrew Maon meaning Residence. The word Loona means to Sleep/reside-in, it makes up the word Hotel. Is god residing on the dark side of the moon? Why didn’t we build a station on the moon? Why did we choose to float in the middle of nothingness in a space station?

•           The Hebrew Nation who went out of Egypt were not some elusive and almost mythical group of people but the Aamu from the city of Avaris, is what they called themselves “Am Evri,” “nation Hebrew”, otherwise known as the Hyksos, a name given to them by the Greeks. They lived next to and then ruled over Egypt and were known as the “Semitic Pharaohs.” Who contributed a lot to the advancement of the Egyptian people.   They left or were kicked out about 3500 years ago during the reign of the Pharaoh Akmoses whose name means Brother.Moses (Moses was a prince).  All ancient historians equated the Hebrews with the Amu tribe from the city of Avaris but the Egyptians erased any recorded history with this name.  In an effort to erase the Avaris the city of Avaris’s name was changed to Ramses which the Torah claims the Hebrews built. But there is no Erasing of Bahar Yoseph.

•           Bahar Yousef “the ocean of Joseph,” the single most important Egyptian irrigation project in 4000 years was designed Yoseph and built by the Evris from Avaris, dramatically increasing the irrigable land and is still used in feeding millions.  Joseph, who suggested it, was the only one who knew how to build it. That and not his ability to read dreams is the real reason Joseph was put in charge of Egypt.  Eventually, his brothers the tax collectors became rulers over Egypt which explains why there are no records that the Aamu invaded Egypt.  

•           Ra with the help of Tho also created Rouh elohim = the holy ghost, “To remember the slain god” whose blood was used to make A-Dam = god.blood.  The Egyptian myth makes a similar claim that a second secret creation of light entities designed to judge mankind in his stead was ordered by Ra, which not coincidently, is described in the word Aur-a meaning in Hebrew light.god, Light(from Hebrew word Lahat meaning burning.flame) is AuRa is Ra.

•           The light of Ra is the Holy Ghost, the Soul, the Aura (aur –a =light.god), a light that surrounds the body, our personal Ava-tar=father Th.Re. The part of us that that lives forever letting the body go when we die, rising to become the light of Ra. The Aura, the soul then returns to earth to surround another body…

•           The first word in the Torah is Beroshit usually translated as, in the beginning, but Be-Rosh-Y-T literally means in.head.god.Thoth, which is the way both Sumerian and Egyptian myths described how god first created the world.  God’s creation tool is imagination which was then gifted to Adam. It is the reason the Kabbalah claims god created the letters before the universe was created - he had to, even god needs to imagine before He can create.  Hebrew letters are symbolic representation of agreed upon pictures; the basic building blocks of imagination had to be imagined (created) before the universe was created.  Language is a system that allows Gods and humans to create by programing us with the ability to “freeze a picture in time and space”, by framing it and naming it, we are then able to move and reassemble it into a new picture. Letters created words and words became sentences. In other words Tho had to imagined the Letters, picture-words first because they are the building blocks of creation.

•         The evidence that Hebrew was the language spoken when “all languages were one” is encoded in the name Jeriko = Ye-rikho meaning God.Moon in Hebrew.  Yerikho is the oldest city in the world and has been continuously inhabited for the past 11,000 years, since the Stone Age, when it was first built as a walled city with a tower and an internal staircase.  This predates the invention of agriculture by at least 1,000 years.  More importantly, it predates Babel and therefore predates the confounding of language by at least 4,000 years.  It means that thousands of years before the Sumerian and the Egyptian dynasties there were a people and a culture that spoke Hebrew, built cities and worshiped the moon god who controls the oceans.  The word Yareah-moon is related to the Hebrew words Roah meaning Wind and Spirituality (sephirots-emanations-counting).     

•       In chapter 3 of Genesis we are told in code that god’s secret son, the first “first born of creation” is Cain.  In chapter 4 the sons of Cain are listed as contributing all knowledge to mankind, described as the ”father of metal workers,” “father of tent builders,” etc. Though we are given a lot more information about them than the sons of Seth that were simply reported as lived had children and died, left conspicuously missing is their lifespan, suggesting by their absence that they are gods who live forever.  Genesis, Chapter 5 lists the bloodlines of Adam, listing Seth as Adam’s first born which indirectly confirms Cain’s true origins because it intentionally omitted Cain the first born of Eve as a son of Adam. Chapter 6 confirms Cain’s very talented offspring are called after their grandfather  making them “the sons of god” “who took the daughters of man”. That was when the line of Cain married the line of Seth, which upset god who curtailed human life expectancy from 1000 to 120.

           All our forefathers from Noah (950 years) to Jacob (147 years) were demi gods which is denoted clearly but in code. Our forefathers are reported to live to well over 120 years which god decreed as the limit for humans therefore anyone living over 120 years is a demi-God. Moses is reported as an earthling living to 120 years but his Alien ancestry is clearly noted. His father is reported to live to 137 and his brother Aaron to 121. That’s why the Torah is such a stickler to mention everyone’s ages (except Cain’s line…).

•           God is not the name of an entity but rather the name of a communication tool used by the god Ra to impart ideas to human: The word GoD denotes the location of the god Rays (Ra). It points to the Purple Gamma rays in the D (4) band which is then called G-D. It is the reason why after god contacts the Israelis telepathically at Mount Sinai, which the text describes as “weyerou et hakolot” “and they saw the voices”, he calls the people of Israel Am Segula translated as special people but literally means “purple people” suggesting a unique ability to receive information from the purple-g-d rays. Or if you will a Thought-Ray. 

•           The Egyptians claim no one could get rid of Ra as a ruler of the gods because the secrets that rule earth were hidden in his body, in light that he doles out to humans periodically. Ra asked Tho to create the light being to judge in his stead, to be his representatives judging the unjust and reporting back to Ra. Ra to Aura, Aura to subconscious.

•           The Hebrew word Nahash meaning Snake and Mashiyah meaning Messiah are both cosmically the same, both words add up numerically to 358.

•           We are told in code Noah (noun.Hait), the surviving earthling is two third god seed, his name uses the first two letters in Nahash (Noun.Hait.Shin). His son Sh.M came back as MoSheH, M.Sh.H which reads backward as HaSheM while Ham his youngest son came back as Muhammad Mem.Hait.Maim.dalet  red backward it read Dam.Ham meaning Blood.Ham.

The Torah is the story of the secret seed of god.


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