Amplify’d from


black bull of power and evil began circling on the field of conflict
generations ago. Its blood red eyes of hate and lust for power zeroed
in on the man sent to slay him and end his rein of terror. Even though
decades have gone by in this ultimate battle, this courageous “man
(as in mankind) of valor” has been left to his own strength and
abilities that are clearly below the raw power and determination of
this luciferian symbol (tyrannical governmental military and police
state brute force). The black beast’s sole reason for existence
is to destroy the last challenge before the bull’s ultimate victory
over all living things in its path. As the bull contemplates his final
charge, supernatural rage overtakes him and he begins the final run
toward this man, representing the strength of the free citizenry, who
have faced this raging evil borne out of hell, and empowered by the
greed of those who will not allow this free man to survive.

compromise, no quarter, no peaceful co-existence. It is death to one
culture or the other. As the bull engages the free man by lifting him
onto his massive horns, the bull carries him to the trunk of a huge
tree and pins the man to its side. Death is imminent and sure to be
brutal. With only his bare hands to defend himself, the man looks deeply
into the eyes of this unholy machine, and in an instant, gouges those
eyes, and then pulls them out completely. The gravely wounded animal
pulls back his horns as the man lunges to the side and watches the beast
stumbles forward until it reaches the gorge that has divided the field
of battle from the meadow of freedom………..” (an
excerpt from “Evil’s Final Stand: Freedom Will Not Die”
a short novel in progress by Greg Evensen)

if we attempt to follow the symbolism in this brief quote, where do
we begin to draw the lines together that established this bull’s
“breeding” and what about those who have so carefully nurtured
it to its position in the vast field of power and dominance? I suggest
the bull’s supernatural breeding comes from the same pit of darkness
and corruption as the bowels of Hell itself. Its “father”
was found in the demonic realm of money and governing power and it has
nourished itself on the blood of war waged in its name. Its “mother”
died in delivery because nothing could survive the arrival of such a
vile and baseless beast. Raised in an environment of hate and lust for
power unmatched in history, this ultimate destroyer has been groomed
for the final assault on the “man of valor” by its godless
handlers. Why the eyes as the target of freedom’s “man?”
Blinded by freedom’s retaliation, the bull, still very dangerous,
is no longer able to “see” its victim or what the man has
in store for his final assault on evil’s raging-out of control-behemoth.

freedom’s “man,” ---us, would then be able to draw
the sword and slay the beast once and for all. Timing is truly everything.

waiting any longer, however; we are exposed to a mounting power and
rage that would limit a confrontation to the enemy’s strength
and timing, which would limit or eliminate our ability to take some
effective measure of a physical attack on the beast. By allowing it
to continue to feed and grow, we would be inviting our own demise in
the most brutal and overwhelming manner.

as I have told hundreds of thousands, is the critical element here in
how “we,” the man of valor, respond to the escalating threat
circling in the field preparing its final assault. If you can get a
picture of our situation through this symbolic illustration, then you
just begin to understand the reality of world bankers, international
corporate entities, domestic political figures, and all of their related
networks and organizations mentioned so many times and how they have
all stood a safe distance from the bull, yet fed him and groomed him
for this moment. In reality, they wait even now, for the exact moment
when we are the weakest. When we have given up, agreed to accept their
terms, and while we cower, the beast moves in for the kill. That is
our nation at this moment. Make NO mistake; elections notwithstanding,
we are simply in an indefensible part of the field watching as the bull
circles for its final attack run.

of the usual cast of villains is still present. Goldman Sachs, the U.N.,
the Federal Reserve, corrupted federal courts, Eric Holder’s idea
of a Justice department. Andrew Traver’s BATFE, the Czars, Jeremiah
Wright, William Ayers, ACORN--- how many roaches can occupy a building?
They have all stood in that field, watching, waiting, lusting for this

to me, are among the vilest offenders. Presidents that curry political
favor and money allow the most depraved faculty and curricula to flourish
in the name of academic freedom. Professors with no courage, no truth,
no dignity, no scruples, no values, and certainly no concern for their
students, impregnate their campus with a dedication to educational tyranny
worthy of 1930 Moscow or 1940 Berlin. They personally hand fed the bull.

churches and apostate clerics also watered the bull. When it came down
to scriptural truth versus butts or bucks in the pews, they chose the
latter. Hundreds of thousands of sheep who came for comfort were lulled
into submission by the alluring sound of the devil’s flute. Did
we see right or wrong, spiritual strength and courage, the path of righteousness
and leadership or possibly mentoring the next generation to stand in
the face of evil? Nope, it wasn’t in the church bulletin. Scriptural
encouragement only came for a single verse when the offering plates
were passed.

as charged, depart from me, I never knew you.”

idea of brotherhood has meant love and unquestioned support. It is seen
in the military, fire teams, family, and in other mutually dependent
areas of our society. The value of brotherhood and the willingness to
sacrifice one’s life, if necessary, is the greatest commitment
one can give to another. So today, we look at the corruption, greed
and power cliques found in the trades and we believe all the lies about
brotherhood that the union bosses force on their locals. Unions have
become legalized mobs selling out to the greatest political whores available.
Their unionized stable hands groomed the bull in shifts.

societies including communistic Jews, an atheistic Israel, and the occult
constantly stir up the beast. Jesuits, Masons and the Vatican lead the
others in a diabolical mission to serve the beast, turning on the brave,
noble man we used to be. Fictional Allah and Islam with the Quran of
death, beat “believers” into submission with Sharia law.
We see the politically correct elite cramming Islam down our throats.
It is now on the table in every state, as the next leap of evolutionary
government and enlightened whore courts within America. They have all
cheered on the monster like the illegal alien’s idea of the supreme
Mexican bull fight, north of the used to be border.

and vultures forging the minds of our children in the name of diversity
continue unchallenged by a sodomite serving government and public school
apparatus that cares only about indoctrination into the most vile of
all atrocities. The teaching of “anything goes” in the sexual
arena has ultimately caused the loss of sixty million babies to the
abortion grinder and the picture of the dumpster as the “home”
for unwanted anything goes results. This act of “justification”
in the killing of innocents, frees every Nazi sent to prison, and pardons
those war criminals who went to the Nuremburg gallows.

to this list doctors and hospitals, the CDC, FDA, the Pharmaceutical
companies, Obama health care, courts that allow medical procedures that
kill in the name of research and you are living in today’s America.
They all helped keep the bull going on stimulants and Ritalin.
longer peace officers, law enforcers that Tase anyone close, work hand
in glove (for groping your crotch) with the TSA and the latest class
of government workers, to give you a cheap sex act in public, know no
sense of constitutional duty, just “come here little girl”
enticements as you travel to see grandma this Christmas. Grab their
crotch and watch the piggy squeal.

me to grow food with a government license? Legalize the illegals? Chem-trail
the skies, poison the land, feed us worthless food and GM fish? Spread
death in the gulf and bring in more drugs. Let’s do all we can
to demoralize our communities. Arrest and charge the good guys in Wisconsin
incorporated counties so that no rule of law exists. All of this and
more is coming in a not so lame duck (“T-Rex”) session of
congress. There needs to be some serious ass-kickin’ in Washington.
Rebel and don’t stop. Are you going to continue to pay extortion
money each April to feed the bull? When you feed the bull this much,
you are going to have to deal with a gigantic load of bullsh-t. But
then, these stupidos have learned to pave the streets of Washington
with this “poor-man’s” asphalt, so they have thought
of almost everything.

you really going to keep quiet and not challenge the illegal laws enacted
by the truck load by these pimps and whores? Think you can hide from
the bull this way?


to gouge out the eyes of the bull? Write scathing editorials, picket
hospitals, schools and colleges where bull breeding lessons are being

and be heard EVERY time a school board, city council, county commission
or state hearing room is open and in session. Smoke in the bars, have
pork cook-outs in the park next to the Mosque. Bring your pet pig into
the Muslim owned retail store. Get the picture? Get the IBM version
of the eye gouging manual out, study it well, and get ready for hand
to hand combat.

is a time to take no prisoners. They won’t let YOU go. The order
of the day will come to shoot on sight when the bull is blinded. So,
prepare to lock and load. There is no margin for error here. In combat,
you either survive or the enemy does. Plan your actions with great care.
Pray that God will allow sinful America to be reclaimed and rebuilt.
If God says no, then fix bayonets and send some of these demonic idiots
back to Hell.

laid out the worst, can we make it through? Well, take on the full armor
of God as in Ephesians 6. My engraveable “Armor of God”
dog-tag hangs around my neck. Many, many folks have gotten theirs as
well and engraved them for family members who are soldiers as Christmas
gifts. See them and visit us at

for your lives as if the end of it all were at hand. We have tools to
assist you when the bull arrives. Work with others, build a group of
people you can count on. Do not be the generation that gave it all up
and quit. Think this through and don’t lose your focus. The moment
is historic and it rests in our hands. The bull has turned our way and
lowered his head.


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