EJP Replies to Doug on the Order’s Plot to Conquer America via the War of 1812

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EJP Replies to Doug on the Order’s Plot to Conquer America via the War of 1812

President Andrew Jackson, 1830s

Dear Doug,

No, you are wrong as to the purpose and outcome of the War of 1812.  The Revolutionary War (1775-1783), blessed by God in its outcome, rendered the colonies ” free, independent and sovereign.”  The pristine Dred Scot decision (1857) affirms this truth.  The American colonies were severed from the British Crown and thereby broke the Pope’s Temporal Power as exercised via Jesuit-controlled King George III. This loss enraged the Jesuits so they prepared for Round Two in their attempted destruction of the North American, Reformation-born, Protestant states.

General Andrew Jackson, Victory of Battle of New Orleans, 1815

The Order’s second attempt to reduce these United Protestant States of America to submission to Rome, via the British Crown, was the War of 1812.  But once again, God delivered the nation from its purposed demise, using the great Andrew Jackson to save the nation.  Thus we have two, low-level Freemasons, also AV1611 Bible-believers, who were used to create the nation and later to save that nation from Roman Power via London—George Washington and Andrew Jackson.  It was this same Jackson who then routed the bankers in 1834, he refusing to renew the charter for the wicked Bank of the United States for which he was censored in the Senate and for which his assassination was attempted.  During his presidency, the nation was in the black (no debt), had no national bank, had gold and silver coin in circulation, and had protective tariffs.  These are the three necessities for the prosperity of any nation.  The Crisis; Or the Enemies of American Unmasked (1855), is essential reading to understand these issues at this time in American history (the work being one of the 13 rare books on the free CD that comes with your Editor’s VAIII).

The third try is a charm.  The Order brought about the War Between the States (1861-65) using its high-level, “illuminized” Scottish Rite Freemasons—on both sides—to get the job done.  As a result of that war and subsequent, wicked, Socialist-Communist Reconstruction (1865-1877), the 14th Amendment was declared ratified on July 28, 1868, thus ending our White Calvinist Protestant Federal Republic of these United States of America (1789-1868).  In its place was imposed an amalgamating Jesuit Empire (1868-Present) “from sea to shining sea” that would be used to restore the Pope’s Temporal Power around the world.  The 20th century would be known as “the American Century” (the term coined by Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce and his intimated adviser, Jesuit John Courtney Murray), as the American Empire would successfully restore “the Vicar of Christ’s/Vicar of Horus’s” Temporal power over every people in the world via CFR-led diplomacy and war.

Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh with General Douglas MacArthur, Tokyo, 1948

But much remained the same in the Order’s Holy Roman 14th Amendment American Empire until the dictatorship of FDR.  In the early 1930s 33rd Degree Illuminized Freemason FDR, at the direction of Georgetown University Jesuit Priest Edmund A. Walsh,  put the nation under emergency war powers—not during the War of 1812 or even the war of Federal Aggression (1861-65).  It was at this time the gold-fringed flag of the empire was introduced into the courts and banks of the nation.  In 1960, during the reign of Francis Cardinal Spellman’s Knight of Malta and Papal Crusader President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the gold-fringed flag was made the official flag of the empire as per Title 4.  There is no such thing as an American flag today, in any federal or state house, that is not gold-fringed.

Please try to remember these benchmarks when reviewing the history of the American republic-turned-empire.  If not, you will be lost in the labyrinth of patriot lies, one of them being the U.S. has always been a British colony or that it was reduced to a British colony during the War of 1812.  The fact is the American Empire became the hammer of the Pope via the British Crown in 1868.  To evidence this transaction, Queen Victoria gave President Hayes the “Resolute Desk,” a token and symbol of Vatican control of Washington via the British.

Great quote from Jefferson.  He said many true things for which we must give him credit.  He, along with Bible-believing Baptist Calvinist James Madison, authored the most excellent Virgina and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798-99. Yet, he was an “Illuminatus” according to his contemporary, Congregationalist Minister Jedediah Morse. Jefferson is yet another example of the risen Son of God using wicked men for the benefit of his true Church, if His people are walking in obedience to his Word, the Reformation Bible, the AV1611 for English-speaking peoples.

As the original 13th Amendment, no doubt the Order staunchly opposed it; for if passed, none of their stooges belonging to papal orders could hold public office.

Rather, the Order put forth the present 13th Amendment which radically abolished slavery in the South.  This radical emancipation—this grand theft, as calculated by the Jesuits advising the British Crown and thus the Radical Red/Black Republican Party, further destroyed the White Protestant people and high culture of the Old South.  Additionally, it prepared for the transfer of ownership of the emancipated Black slaves—as well as all the White Freemen—to Washington, D.C., via the impending 14th Amendment’s creation of “National Citizenship.”  We must never forget that the cry of the Order’s Illuminati/Masonic French Revolution was codified into the Constitution by 1870: “Liberty” (13th Amendment, 1865); “Equality” (14th Amendment, 1868); and “Fraternity” (15th Amendment, 1870).

By this, all the peoples would ultimately be reduced to Socialist-Communist slavery while their rulers would be the Cartel-Capitalists with total loyalty to the Pope of Rome.  As the Levellers were the agents for the King’s Roman Catholic Cavaliers during Cromwell’s day, even so the Socialist-Communists are the agents for the Order’s Pope-serving, American Cartel-Capitalists from 1848 to the present.

Lord bless,

Brother Eric


Dear Eric;

A second British attempt to overthrow White Protestant America would again be attempted in 1812, but King George, though burning the capital in Washington, failed—by the grace of God in Christ!

I think your statement above, needs some clarification, because it has always been my impression that the US lost the war of 1812, and brought about the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.

The proof that this is the case today, is the U.S. flies the United States flag with a yellow fringe on three sides. According to the United States Code, Title 4, Sec. 1, the U.S. flag does not have a fringe on it. The difference being one is a Constitutional flag, and the fringed flag is a military flag. The military flag means you are in a military occupation and are governed by the Commander-in-Chief in his executive capacity, not under any Constitutional authority.  A fringe is an ensign.

Although 1812, militarily a route of the British, the solemn obligation to maintain the lawful rights and privileges thereof, as a sovereign, free and independent state, ruinous inflictions of usurped and unconstitutional power sovereignty reserved to the states, was reserved to protect the citizens from acts of violence by the United States, as well as for purposes of domestic regulation (not much different the 9/11 and the war against Afghanistan present situation) the citizen is the looser.

The war of 1812 over hemp.They didn’t to tell us in school:


allodium title:


Loosing the War of 1812 and Treaty of Ghent (formal recognition of conquest) explains why the real Principal, the King (or currently the Queen) of England, still rules this country through the bankers (or some might be more correctly be stating that the Bank of London rules the Queen) and why we own no property in allodium. (in some states exceptions do apply)

The War of 1812 delayed the passage of the 13th Amendment by Virginia, allowed the British to destroy the evidence of the first 12 states ratification of this Amendment, and it increased the national debt, which would coerce the Congress to reestablish the Bank Charter in 1816 after the Treaty of Ghent was ratified by the Senate in 1815.  (a scenario repeating on approximately 99 year intervals, so once again, is coming up soon)

The Forgotten Amendment; the proposed Thirteenth Amendment: “If any citizen of the United States shall Accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

We supposedly defeated the British in the Revolutionary War!  Did not the War of 1812 void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War?

The body of the insurgent, also known as a Belligerent claimet, in a plethora of particular ways, all most always controlled;

This was why Jesus Christ warned us of the beguilement of the lawyers and the

deceit and deception they practice.



“…And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have not time to think, no means of calling the mismanager’s to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers…” (Thomas Jefferson) THE MAKING OF AMERICA, p. 395

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