EJP Replies to Brother James on Rome’s Plot to Make George Washington a Jesuit

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EJP Replies to Brother James on Rome’s Plot to Make George Washington a Jesuit

Baptism of George Washington by Baptist Army Captain, Pastor John Gano, Hudson River, 1783

Dear Brother James,

The Jesuits thought that with anti-Illuminati, Baptist George Washington out of the way, they could then take over the country with Jefferson.  (Additionally, they poisoned him for payback in the creation of a Protestant, Constitutional, limited Republic of Sovereign States—the 19th century haven for the White Protestants of the world.)  But that plot failed, as it was John Adams that was put into office who was the enemy of Jefferson at the time.  Adams, in addition to making it necessary to be a resident for 15 years before citizenship could be obtained via his Alien and Sedition Law (thwarting the Order’s Roman Catholic immigration plot, which law Jefferson later voided), Adams kept us out of England’s war with Napoleon—both Napoleon and King George III secretly working together.

Remember, it was Jefferson (called an “Illuminatus” by the godly Jedediah Morse, father of Samuel Morse who invented Morse Code and wrote against the Jesuits in his Foreign Conspiracy) who, in 1803, purchased the land from Jesuit-ruled Napoleon we know today as “the Louisiana Purchase.”  This enabled the Jesuits to legally remain in the area (especially Missouri) since France had expelled the Jesuits from all her overseas holdings—which included the French-controlled land of the Louisiana Purchase.  Yet, what the devil’s men met for evil, God worked for good (Genesis 50:20), the lands of the LP also becoming—in the majority—White Protestant and Baptist dominions with many Native American Indians coming to Christ via the gospel.

It was also Jefferson, the president at the time, who did not object to Pope Pius XII’s legal recognition of the Jesuit Order in the United States in 1805!  Jefferson should have never allowed this, but in turn, expelled the Order once restored here in America.  But since Jefferson was a defender of Jesuit Illuminatus Adam Weishaupt (who died a Roman Catholic!), this is not surprising.

With the end of Jefferson’s two terms, God gave us Baptist Calvinist James Madison to be president for two terms.  Much was thwarted as to Rome’s designs, and his successor, James Monroe (also a president for two terms), penned the Monroe Doctrine that was really targeted against Rome and her Holy Alliance (1815) /Secret Treaty of Verona (1822) conspiracy against the Protestant US.

On a further note, the real Founding Fathers of the American Revolution were men such as “the Grand Incendiary” Samuel Adams, John Hancock, John Witherspoon (the avid enemy of Thomas Paine), Patrick Henry, George Mason, Roger Sherman (one of the five authors of the Declaration of Independence) and James Madison (one of those who penned the Constitution)—all strong, Protestant and Baptist Bible-believing Men of God.  To say that the Founding Fathers were all deists and pagans is a bold-faced lie and serves the Order’s quest in attempting to totally destroy all patriotism in the Bible-believing American public.  This was the goal of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor F. Tupper Saussy in writing his Rulers of Evil—the greatest defense of the Jesuit Order’s right to to rule the world your Editor has ever witnessed.  Thank God Saussy is gone to his place!

Trust this helps.

Lord bless,

Brother Eric


Dear Brother Eric

Those Jesuits hated George Washington and poisoned him to death.  Then the Jesuits destroys his reputation (Lying that Washington was a Catholic and a big time Mason, Washington thought Masons was child’s play)

How did the Jesuits benefit from the murder of George Washington?

God’s Will

Brother James


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