Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From John Myers January 2, 2013
Cliffs: Fiscal And Real Cliffs: Fiscal And Real »
Regardless of whether Congress was able to cut a deal on the fiscal cliff, a second economic shoe may have already dropped. The United States may have already fallen into a renewed recession. This would make Congress and the President a day late and a trillion dollars short. More »

Freedom Watch

As If Hillary Needed Her Memory Erased As If Hillary Needed Her Memory Erased »
The investigation into the events leading up to and during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has been pushed off the front pages of the American consciousness by a series of unfortunate events. But Benghazi needs to stay front and center. More »

Personal Liberty News

Gun Sales Up, Crime Down Gun Sales Up, Crime Down »
Gun sales are up in California and, contrary to what politicians and the media say, gun deaths and injuries in the State are down sharply. Firearm dealers in California sold 600,000 guns in 2011, almost double the number sold in 2002. More »

Report Faults State, Pentagon, White House Report Faults State, Pentagon, White House »
A U.S. Senate report says the State Department and the Pentagon did not adequately protect the Americans killed in the U.S. Consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya. The Senate Homeland Security Committee report, "Flashing Red: A Special Report on the Terrorist Attack at Benghazi," was released Monday. More »

Americans Aren’t Using Their Vacation Days, But Want More Americans Aren’t Using Their Vacation Days, But Want More »
A new study of American workers shows that most would like to have more vacation days from work, but a majority of them don’t even use all of the days they already have by the end of the year. More »

Combined Therapies May Relieve Back Pain Best Combined Therapies May Relieve Back Pain Best »
Conventional medicine and alternative medicine most often seem to be at odds with each other. However, many people — whether due to growing skepticism, skyrocketing medical costs or desperation — are opting for alternative treatments.  More »

Political Cartoon

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year?
Deng Coy Miel, Singapore

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