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Latest From Paul Craig Roberts January 29, 2013
The Institutionalization Of Tyranny The Institutionalization Of Tyranny »
Republicans and conservative Americans are still fighting Big Government in its welfare state form. Apparently, they have never heard of the militarized police state form of Big Government; or, if they have, they are comfortable with it and have no objection. More »

Outside The Asylum

Life Comes Last Life Comes Last »
If half a million people march for life on Washington, D.C., and the media pretend not to hear them, did they still make a statement in defense of the unborn? The corporate media flacks and their Democratic overlords would likely respond: "Did you hear about the college football player and his fake girlfriend?" More »

Power Of The State

You Can't Protect Your Private Property From The Surveillance State You Can't Protect Your Private Property From The Surveillance State »
"Smart" meters are government surveillance devices designed to accumulate data that includes day-to-day activity in such detail that the "enforcers" are actually using power usage records to obtain search warrants on homeowners. More »

Personal Liberty News
Obama, Imperialist By Fiat Obama, Imperialist By Fiat »
Democrats have described a number of Republican Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as being imperial Presidents. But as Barack Obama continues to push the limits of Presidential power, those who have traditionally rallied against the onset of Presidential imperialism are noticeably silent. More »

Civilians Have Assault Rifles, Potential Oppressors Get Personal Defense Weapons Civilians Have Assault Rifles, Potential Oppressors Get Personal Defense Weapons »
Gun grabbers ask why any American needs a semi-automatic assault rifle that is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Defenders of the 2nd Amendment say that guns offer Americans personal protection from threats to life, liberty and property. The Department of Homeland Security agrees. More »

People Who Never Married May Die Earlier People Who Never Married May Die Earlier »
Not having a permanent partner or spouse during midlife is linked to a higher risk of premature death during that part of one's life, U.S. researchers say. More »

Health Tips

Vaccine Court Tacitly Admits Vaccines Cause Autism

Without admitting it, the United States "vaccine court" has admitted that vaccines cause autism.

The Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (aka, the absolve Big Pharma of liability at your expense program) has awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism-related disorders. It's a tacit admission that the vaccines administered to them caused their symptoms, which the court determined fell within the bounds of autism spectrum disorder. More »

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