Do You Really Know Your Congressman?

An Urgent Message from Our Sponsor

League Releases Congressional 2012 Voter Guide

Dear Member:
During each national election year the League publishes its Congressional Voter Guide.
The League’s Voter Guide allows members and concerned citizens to evaluate their Congressional representatives on key issues.
In the 2012 Voter Guide, the League evaluated every member of Congress on 6 key votes.
These votes included the following legislation:
—Audit the Federal Reserve System (HR 459) Requires a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
—Repeal Obamacare (Affordable Care Act HR 6079)
Fully repeals the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
—Ryan Budget Plan (H.CON.RES.112) Bill approves the $3.5 trillion budget plan proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan for fiscal year 2013.
—JOBS Act (HR 3606)
Helps small businesses to launch initial public offerings, solicit new investors and eventually hire workers.
—National Defense Authorization Act (HR 4310)
Vote to pass a bill that appropriates funds for fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Department of Defense, and for other purposes.
—Protect Life Act (HR 358) This bill would repeal and/or correct all of the pro-abortion components of Public Law 111-148 (ObamaCare) and would prohibit any ObamaCare program from paying for elective abortion or health plans that cover elective abortion.
All of these proposed laws represent the concerns and interests of the League of American Voters, which is the nation’s leading nonpartisan voters organization.
The League seeks to protect America’s free enterprise system, limit the role of government in the private sector, promote economic opportunity and fiscal responsibility, promote government accountability, keep the nation’s defenses strong, and protect American values, especially those that promote human life.
You can easily access the League’s Voter Guide by Going Here Now.
Each Representative is listed by state. We offer the 2012 Voter Guide for web viewing via HTML and by PDF.
Please feel free to share the link to any of the Voter Guides with friends and family.
Additionally, the PDF allows you to print and distribute the 2012 Voter Guide.
The League appreciates Americans like you and values the support of our membership.
If you would like to join the League of American Voters, you can do so easily by donating even a small amount and becoming a member.
To join the League or renew your membership – Go Here Now.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Reagan
National Chairman

Paid for by the League of American Voters. Contributions to the League of American Voters are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from individuals and corporations are permitted by law and welcome.
League of American Voters    |    722 12th Street N.W.    |    Fourth Floor    |    Washington, D.C. 20005

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