Minute Men News

November 29, 2012

Dependency In America: This Will Blow Your Mind!

The two “D’s,” debt and dependency, are taking America down the path towards doom. You already know about the debt, but you may not have realized quite how bad the dependency has gotten. As quantified, [...]
Dependency In America:  This Will Blow Your Mind!

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Presumably, We Aren’t Supposed to Care about Any of This

So, consider this story. It tells us the following about the talking points that were delivered to Ambassador Susan Rice–the very same ones that she delivered to the public: General Petraeus reported in congressional testimony that [...]

Can We Admit Now That The Bush Tax Cuts Weren’t Ever Just For The Rich?

Going back a few years, when Democrats talked about the Bush tax cuts, they described them as though it were tax policy that only benefited the richest Americans. The “tax cuts for the rich” was [...]

Hobby Lobby: Taking on the Obama Administration and the Federal Government

As you probably know, ObamaCare mandates are going to hit employers with 50 or more employees. A number of businesses have gotten exemptions. Many, maybe even all, of them are most likely political in nature. [...]

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