Before It's News

Top 10 Trending Stories

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NOAA Scientists On High Alert For 2013 Solar Maximum (Video) (video)

NOAA Scientists On High Alert For 2013 Solar Maximum (Video) CURATOR: Mort Amsel. NOAA scientists are on high alert as the Sun enters a period of solar maximum over the next 14 months during which we will see a burst of activity that could have catastrophic effects on global power grids and communications systems. A solar maximum is a normal period of intense...


Leaked Video Showing Free Syrian Army Blowing Up Mosque to Accuse the Syrian Army of Doing It (video)

CURATOR: Zen Gardner. This video was leaked by a member of the free Syrian army who didn't like what his group was doing. The video shows a group of the free Syrian army blowing up a mosque to blame it on the official Syrian army. The same destroyed mosque was shown on aljazeera...


Obama: The Enemy From Within!

Obama: The Enemy From Within! CURATOR: John Rolls. Gabor Zolna * The Center For Westerm Journalism' Does anyone know how many times Obama has himself said that he is indeed a Muslim? Obama having celebrated Ramadan in the White House these past four years is another clear clue. I think that it might be about time that we...


Chemtrails WH Petition: Please Sign! Let's Start Taking America Back Now!

Chemtrails WH Petition: Please Sign! Let's Start Taking America Back Now! CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. After being lied to for many years, the masses of Americans are finally awakening to how we are being poisoned on a daily basis by the US government and their 'Chemtrails' program of weather modification. Well, we no longer have to feel powerless about it. In this day and age...


Insane Cop Delivers Flying Knee To Back Of 17-Year-Olds Head Then Threatens To Kill Him (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: End the Lie. By Madison Ruppert Editor of End the Lie Officer Disraeli Arnold (Image credit: End the Lie screenshot from YouTube video) There is no shortage of disturbing videos and stories dealing with disturbing episodes of police brutality and yet I still manage to be appalled by the actions of some out...


Black Friday Gun Sales Crash FBI System, Twice! Meanwhile UN Gun Ban Approved And Signed By Obama (video)

Black Friday Gun Sales Crash FBI System, Twice! Meanwhile UN Gun Ban Approved And Signed By Obama CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Americans love their guns! We love our guns almost as much as we love our freedom. While many American 'zombies' and 'debt slaves' spent their Black Friday's buying electronic gadgets like I-Phones and televisions, preppers and other 'awakened' Americans were stocking up on something else entirely, guns, and massive amounts...


Forensic Profiler: Obama Confessing Election Fraud

Forensic Profiler: Obama Confessing Election Fraud CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. Concludes 'in his secret fury he stole 2012 presidential' race by Bob Unruh A forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder says Barack Obama is confessing to stealing the 2012 president election. “Obama appears to unconsciously confess on multiple occasions...


What Was Once Unthinkable, Is Now Happening: We Are Witnessing Unprecedented Hunger In America While The Fed Still Printing Money To Push Food Price Inflation Even Higher!

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. from Michael: All over America there are millions of people that will be missing meals and going hungry this holiday season. Even as much of the country indulges in the yearly ritual of unbridled consumerism that we refer to as “the holiday season”, more families in the United States than...


Create Real Objects With Thought Or Control Thought Puppets, Even A Child Can Do It (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . Thinker Things Monster Dreamer will be the first machine to create real objects from thought alone. Sounds like science fiction, but the technology we need to make objects from thought is already available, according to Thinker Thing group leader Bryan Salt. Example of a toy that...


U.N. Seeking Control Of The Internet, 193 Nations Will Attend, Including Russia & China Video (video)

CURATOR: Josey Wales. "Stop the Net Grab" opposes the plan by some telecommunications companies and countries including Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. If approved, it would allow the UN's International Telecommunications Union to charge users for services such as email and restrict access to the internet and monitor activity online. When...

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Peter Santilli


CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish


CURATOR: chairman of the board



CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

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