Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Bob Livingston October 8, 2012
Devaluation Coming? Devaluation Coming? »
Government statistics never hint at the cost to the American people of constant devaluation of the currency. It's a deep, dark secret that operates above the awareness threshold. Currency depreciation, especially in its latter days, impoverishes the middle class and, indeed, most of the population.  More »

On Your Own

Emergency Survival Supplies To Buy Used Emergency Survival Supplies To Buy Used »
There are all kinds of places to get survival items such as Goodwill Industries, Deseret Industries, thrift shops, estate sales, yard sales, garage sales, fundraisers, pawn shops, flea markets, moving sales and Internet sites such as Craigslist,, eBay and Amazon. More »


Glenn Beck Needs To Make Some More Frog Soup Glenn Beck Needs To Make Some More Frog Soup »
Ron Paul supporters who have decided that they can simply not bring themselves to support Mitt Romney or Barack Obama for President in November may soon get a clue from the Tea Party original himself as to who is the best candidate for disillusioned liberty lovers. More »

Personal Liberty News
Another Trillion-Dollar Year In The Red Another Trillion-Dollar Year In The Red »
It is all bad economic news for President Barack Obama as the government's fiscal 2012 came to an end last week with a budget deficit of $1.1 trillion, the fourth trillion-dollar deficit year of the President's Administration. More »

School Board Member Wants Football Banned School Board Member Wants Football Banned »
If a school board member in New Hampshire gets his way, Friday night football will get sacked. Paul Butler of New Dover, N.H., wants to see the fall pastime banned. Butler, a retired surgeon, said football is "a dangerous game." More »

Indoor Tanning Linked To Multiple Types Of Skin Cancer Indoor Tanning Linked To Multiple Types Of Skin Cancer »
It is well-known that tanning beds have been linked to melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. But now, a new study finds that indoor tanning can also lead to other types of skin cancers. More »

Questions For Bob

A Fine Coin

Dear Bob,

What is your opinion of the Austrian Philharmonic gold coin?

Gary R.

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