Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From Bob Livingston October 29, 2012
A ‘Turning Point’ Election? A ‘Turning Point’ Election? »
We are eight days out of another “turning point” election. Like the one before it, the one before that and the one before that, we are told by one camp that the election of candidate A will bring ruin upon the Nation, while the election of candidate B will bring us salvation; and from the other camp we get the inverse. But what will the election turn? More »

On Your Own

Keep Medicine On Hand For Emergencies Keep Medicine On Hand For Emergencies »
While there are hundreds of bacteria, there are relatively few that cause most of the problems in people. They can be classified into four classes: gram positive, gram negative, anaerobes and others. More »

Personal Liberty News

Supreme Court Hears Wiretapping Arguments Supreme Court Hears Wiretapping Arguments »
Today, the Supreme Court will consider a matter (Amnesty International v. Clapper) that could take away the National Security Agency’s ability to eavesdrop on American’s email and cellular communications without first obtaining a warrant. More »

America’s Mighty Drones America’s Mighty Drones »
The United Nations has its sights set on American drone policy in the Mideast after long condemning the use of drone strikes in areas where civilian casualties often result.  More »

NYPD Officer Makes Plans To Cook And Consume Women NYPD Officer Makes Plans To Cook And Consume Women »
An officer with the New York Police Department was making plans to cook and eat as many as 100 women. Gilberto Valle, a six-year veteran of the NYPD force, was conspiring to kidnap, kill and consume lots of women, according to the FBI. More »

Woman Arrested For Speaking Too Long At City Council Woman Arrested For Speaking Too Long At City Council »
A California resident was arrested after speaking at a Riverside City Council meeting. The woman was cuffed after she exceeded the three-minute time limit. Karen Wright of Riverside was cited with disrupting a public meeting, a misdemeanor. More »

Questions For Bob

Looming Price Explosion

Dear Bob,

What will have to happen to make the price of gold and silver skyrocket? You had stated in the (October issue of The Bob Livingston Letter) newsletter it was being repressed right now. Also when do you feel this will take place?

Anne E.

Bob's Reply »

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