Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Chip Wood June 8, 2012
Wisconsin Vote Stuns The Left Wisconsin Vote Stuns The Left »
It's been amusing to hear all the liberal talking heads on TV trying to claim that Tuesday's vote in Wisconsin was no big deal. My friends, it was a very big deal indeed. In fact, it just may mark the beginning of the end of union power in this country. More »

Freedom Watch

Suspending All Logic Suspending All Logic »
Believing without doubt the official birth narrative of President Barack Obama — that he was born to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. in a hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961 — requires a complete suspension of logic. More »

Personal Liberty News

Police Misconduct: In Indiana You Can Shoot Back Police Misconduct: In Indiana You Can Shoot Back »
You probably don't need to be reminded that America is becoming a police state. Reports of police misconduct throughout the country are consistently on the rise. But the questions remain: Why isn't the public outraged and why aren't elected officials moving to quell police misconduct?  More »

Double Taxation For Emergency Services Double Taxation For Emergency Services »
In some cash-strapped municipalities throughout the country, residents are being double taxed to raise money to help fund local police and fire departments. Municipalities in as many as 34 States have taken to charging motorists for police and fire response to the scene of an accident.  More »

Michelle Obama Continues To Seek Celebrity Status Michelle Obama Continues To Seek Celebrity Status »
As anticipation about the coming election escalates, Michelle Obama found time to advertise her book on "The Late Show with David Letterman." While many politicians are spending time digging up dirt on the competition, Obama has been busy promoting her gardening book. More »

Cannibal Attacks Continue Cannibal Attacks Continue »
Those who claim we are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse have more evidence to place in their folder. The zombie scare began when Rudy Eugene, also known as the "Miami Zombie" and the "Causeway Cannibal," chewed off 75 percent of a homeless man's face. More »

Chip Shots

Feds To Florida: Stop

No fair purging the voter rolls. Officials in Florida believe that as many as 182,000 non-citizens may be on the voter rolls in the Sunshine State. So Republican Governor Rick Scott ordered election officials to identify any ineligible names and purge them from the list. Now, however, the U.S. Department of Justice has ordered the process stopped. It says it must approve in advance any changes in voter-registration procedures. The Feds can't allow any discrimination regarding who gets to vote — especially with major elections coming up in a few months. More »

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