Personal Liberty Alerts

Personal Liberty Alerts: Live Free in an Unfree World

Latest From John Myers June 27, 2012
Dumb And Dumber Dumb And Dumber »
Americans have a right to be upset. It is a two-man race for the Presidency, and both candidates embrace big government and big spending. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney favor military intervention abroad, and both men's healthcare plans have interfered with the free market. More »

Freedom Watch

Romney Clones Bush Foreign Policy Romney Clones Bush Foreign Policy »
If you loved George W. Bush's foreign policy, then Mitt Romney is your man. If this fact wasn't evident before last weekend, it should now be crystal clear. During a weekend retreat, former Bush foreign policy officials gathered to fete Romney and pontificate about American empire. More »

Personal Liberty News

Tune Out The 'Impostures Of Pretended Patriotism' Tune Out The 'Impostures Of Pretended Patriotism' »
Independence Day is just a week away, and political language, especially that of the election year back and forth, is awash with patriotic memes. George Washington, our Nation's first President, warned Americans "to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."  More »

Here's a Special Message From
Our Friends at Independent Living

Which VEEP Should Romney Pick to Get Your Support?
Mitt Romney is rapidly vetting candidates for Vice President, and the decision could come in a matter of days...
Conservatives want to know: will Romney name an advocate of freedom to the ticket or will he chose someone from the moderate, "business-as-usual" crowd?
Now you can send a clear message to Mitt Romney; tell him which VP choice will make you most likely to turn out and vote in the general election by casting your ballot NOW in this Independent Living poll -- results are transmitted to the Romney campaign every week. VOTE HERE NOW!

Law Enforcement's War On American Insurgents Law Enforcement's War On American Insurgents »
Reports of how many small-town law enforcement agencies have now become armed to the teeth with military-grade weaponry make it certain that an unarmed sheriff like Andy Taylor would not make a believable character today. More »

Emperor Obama And His Court Jester Emperor Obama And His Court Jester »
The Supreme Court's decision regarding the Arizona immigration law has one representative referring to Obama as "an emperor." Representative Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) wants answers from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.  More »

In Bid For Re-Election, Obamas Talk About Their First Date In Bid For Re-Election, Obamas Talk About Their First Date »
Amid one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history, one would expect the President's campaign trail to consist of speeches dealing with the tough issues Americans are facing. But the Obamas are using valuable time and energy to talk about something else: their first date. More »

Political Cartoon

Charged With Contempt

John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune
 More »

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