American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

Muslim mob stones Christians in Dearborn; police then harass the Christians

by Joel McDurmon
Dearborn Muslims stoneChristians walking peacefully with signs displaying Christian messages during a Muslim festival in Dearborn, MI were attacked with flying stones, shoes, bottles, eggs, and other debris, injuring some. Police finally arrived on the scene only to ignore the violent Muslim mob and to demand that the evangelists leave.
One festival attendee, presumably a Muslim, can be overheard telling the evangelists, “You ought to shoo out of here. You’re not welcome in Dearborn.”
When police leave the scene, the persecution begins again. Another officer then approaches and asks the evangelists to leave. He ushers one man, apparently a leader of the group, around the corner of a building and begins a discussion, all but threatening charges against the evangelists if they don’t leave.
The officer accused the Christians of causing a “disturbance,” saying it was “a direct threat to the safety of everyone here.” He demanded, “we’re going to escort you out. . . . You’re going to leave now.” Another officer poked in, “you are jeopardizing public safety.” He also added that he wanted the evangelists to leave because he didn’t “want the coverage”—presumably the media.
The first officer noticed blood on the man’s face, but blamed the evangelist: “you tell them stuff that enrages them.”
The man informs the officer that the violence stops as long as an officer is around. Why not simply have two officers stand by? The officer responds that he doesn’t have enough manpower.
The man and another off-camera Christian then asks the officer why they cannot have police protection, or a protected zone. He reponds, “the Chamber of Commerce decided that they did not want a free speech zone.”
The man asks the officer, “So you’re going to jeopardize free speech?” The officer denies it. “The whole festival is free speech.”
But he reiterated, “You are a danger to the public safety. You’re disorderly.”
The man retorted, “I would assume 200 angry Muslim children throwing bottles would be more of a threat than a few guys with signs.”
The officers then received advice from a legal counsel (who shielded her face from the camera). They then came back with a threat: “If you don’t leave we’re going to cite you with disorderly conduct.” He then essentially pushes them away.
Then, as they are forced out by the police, the camera-man notes with irony: they can’t spare two cops to protect us, but they can spare fourteen to kick us out.
Then to add insult to injury, after the Christians left and were driving away in the church van, police cars pull over the van and twelve of those spare police officers gather in a discussion. We are not told what became of the stop.
The mainstream media has largely ignored the attacks, and local media downplayed it, only implying that what little disturbance that happened was the Christians’ fault for being there.
Some alternative news sources have picked up the story. See here and here.
The non-uniformed police officer who pokes his head into the discussion is Wayne County Deputy Chief Mike Jaafar. He would later state that ”[It's a] great family-oriented festival. . . . The atmosphere right now is phenomenal–all the kids are having a good time, and we’re doing our best to keep everyone safe and I think our guys are doing a great job at it.”
While having an Arabic last name, it is not known whether Mr. Jaafar himself is a Muslim or not.
He can be reached at the sheriff’s office at MJAAFAR@CO.WAYNE.MI.US

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