Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root June 7, 2012
Why Obama Will Lose In A Landslide Why Obama Will Lose In A Landslide »
Wayne Allyn Root is a well-known Las Vegas oddsmaker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races. In fact, correct prognostications earned him a star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. What does Root predict the outcome of November's Presidential election will be? Obama will lose. More »

Outside The Asylum

A Foreign Affair A Foreign Affair »
Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoyed some downtime in Beijing. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also made the trip. The neighborhood drunk visited with the neighborhood psycho at the neighborhood bully's house — what could possibly go wrong? More »


Media And Your Worldview Media And Your Worldview »
No person consciously decides that he is willing to be entirely indoctrinated by his chosen form of news consumption in the beginning. It happens, it seems, as a matter of consequence. Many people allow their social and political worldview to be shaped almost entirely by the brand of news they consume. More »

Personal Liberty News
Economy Improving? Law Firm Pays Lawyer $10,000 Economy Improving? Law Firm Pays Lawyer $10,000 »
If the pay package offered at Gilbert & O'Bryan LLP is any indication of the economy, things are not headed in a good direction. The small Boston law firm posted a full-time position for which the employee can expect "to earn $10,000 in compensation in the first year." More »

Diplomas Withheld At Graduation Ceremonies Diplomas Withheld At Graduation Ceremonies »
Don't get too excited about high school graduation. Doing so may cost your graduate his diploma. Or even worse: It may land you behind bars. In Florence, S.C., Sharon Cooper was cuffed and taken to jail when she cheered for her graduating daughter, Iesha Cooper. She was charged with disorderly conduct. More »

Judge: 30,000 Secret Spy Orders Made Each Year Judge: 30,000 Secret Spy Orders Made Each Year »
Under the Electronic Privacy Act of 1986, estimates one judge, 30,000 secret surveillance orders are made each year. This is all done without authorities having to issue a traditional search warrant because of the digital nature of the information sought, according to the judge. More »

Book Review

The Founding Fathers Guide To The Constitution
by Brion McClanahan

The Founding Fathers' Guide To The Constitution"[N]either major American political party adheres to [the] Constitution; many of our elected representatives are ignorant of its text and original meaning. The only hope lies in a better educated public. Americans don't need judges, lawyers, politicians, or ivory tower academics descending to provide answers to our constitutional questions. The Founding Fathers have already done that for us. We just need to read what they said and hold politicians in Washington accountable," writes Brion McClanahan as he closes his book The Founding Fathers Guide To The Constitution. And McClanahan has taken an important step in making obtaining that education simpler with his book.

For those without the time or inclination to read the thoughts of those who participated in the process of debating, drafting and ratifying the Constitution — the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers and the text of the ratification debates — this book is an excellent place to begin obtaining a greater understanding of the Nation's founding document. More »

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