by Andrea Dantzer
While Obama carefully played the smiling politician as he recorded a message to the Queen of England for her Diamond Jubilee, his administration was in Bolivia for the annual meeting of the Organisation of American States (OAS) working to undermine Great Britain. The United States is part of the OAS General Assembly, which has just officially re-adopted the 2010 “Declaration on the Question of the Malvinas Islands.” This declaration supports and backs Argentina’s request for negotiations to take place between Buenos Aires and London over the Falkland Islands.
However, the Island’s inhabitants are not so appreciative of the Obama administrations backing of this declaration or the declaration itself as they more than ninety five percent are British and wish to remain as such. They do not want to be ruled by Argentina, yet Obama and the OAS are disregarding the inhabitants desire to remain under British rule. The United States foreign policy has long been known for interfering and getting involved in situations they have no business being in and this is yet another prime example of that. Rather than allowing the inhabitants of the land to decide whose control they fall under, the Obama administration has taken it upon themselves to make that decision on their behalf. Not only is it a slap in the face of the Falkland Islanders, it also undermines the relationship between Great Britain and America.
David Cameron had a series of talks with the White House in March of this year, and was repeatedly assured that the Obama administration would stay out of the Falkland Island sovereignty issue and cease pressing for negotiations. However, those assurances, much like every other promise made by Obama, were proved worthless as the OAS, with the support of the United States, readopted the Declaration. This is yet another issue that the American government needs to stay out of and allow the Falkland Islanders to decide their own sovereignty. To even expect Great Britain to be amenable to talks with Argentina is ludicrous enough, but to declare the United States’ position as neutral as Obama did just last month and then turn around and support the Declaration is beyond ridiculous.
With the help of Great Britain, the Falkland Islands were liberated from the Argentinean invasion in 1982. Over two hundred and fifty British soldiers were killed in the fight. This is one fight the United States government needs to stay out of and allow Great Britain and the Falkland Islanders to determine their future. Argentina’s current President Kirchner Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is well known for continuing the socialist policies progressed by her husband as he held office from 2003-2007, perhaps Obama sees a worthy friend in Argentina’s first female president. And, just as Argentina is facing upwards of twenty five percent inflation, America can soon expect the same with the expected announcement of QE3 happening shortly, failed foreign policy and intervention and unrestricted spending, printing of worthless fiat money and unrelenting debt. Just as the Falkland Islanders are telling Obama to falk off, so, too, should America.
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