Political Hacks Waste No Time In Shamelessly Exploiting Giffords Shooting To Demonize Political Oppositon

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Political Hacks Waste No Time In Shamelessly Exploiting Giffords Shooting To Demonize Political Oppositon

Intel Hub Note: It is clear that this shooting had NOTHING to do with gun rights or the need for further gun control. If not for the 2nd amendment this man could have killed even more people. Media talking heads who use this horrible tragedy to push for gun control should be exposed as political hacks who could care less about Gifford or the country and the Constitution itself.

Paul Joseph Watson

UPDATE: This is allegedly Jared Loughner’s You Tube Channel. He lists his favorite books as Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. There is no evidence of any Tea Party/Ron Paul/patriot movement affiliation, much to the disappointment of the Huffington Post, but Fox News and others are hastily building his profile as a nutcase conspiracy theorist.

UPDATE: A second man has been arrested in connection with the shooting, while a third man is also being sought.

UPDATE: Reports suggest that the gunman is a 22-year-old white male named Jared Loughner, an Arizona native.

UPDATE: Amidst a widespread assault on gun rights, we learn that the gunman was stopped after he was shot at by someone in the crowd exercising their second amendment.

UPDATE: Giffords’ father has told the New York Post that “the entire Tea Party” were enemies of his daughter, suggesting that a Tea Partier was behind the shooting. However, Giffords is a blue dog Democrat who is pro-border control and pro-second amendment - an unusual target for a “tea partier”.

Political hacks have wasted little time in exploiting the tragic shooting of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to demonize their political opposition despite the gunman’s motivation being completely unknown at this time.


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