MUST WATCH VIDEO: More “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

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Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is Islamic law. There are people who call it inhuman – but in doing so they insult the Prophet. They want to bring foreign thinking to this country.

We’ve seen a ton of these videos before.  But it never hurts to see it again, especially since this is from just recently.  Remember this whenever you’ll told about how Islam is “the religion of peace” or how we must be “tolerant” and “co-exist.” Tolerant of this? Co-exist with this?

Horrific video footage has emerged of Taliban insurgents stoning a couple to death for alleged adultery in northern Afghanistan.

Hundreds of villagers can be seen on the video standing around as the woman, Siddqa, is buried up to her waist in a four foot hole in the ground.

Two mullahs pass sentence before the crowd begins to throw rocks at her head and body as she desperately tries to crawl free.

But the 19-year-old collapses to the ground, covered in blood – but miraculously still alive.

At this point a Taliban fighter shoots her three times in the head with an AK-47The crowd can be heard shouting allahu akbar as she is killed.

Her lover, Khayyam, is then marched in front of the crowd with his hands tied behind his back.

He is blindfolded with his own tunic and crouches down close to the ground as he tried to protect his body from the stones.

But he is battered to the floor by a barrage of rocks. He can be heard sobbing before eventually falling silent.

The stoning – the first to be documented on film since the Taliban were ousted from power – took place in the district of Dashte Archi, in Kunduz, last August.

Officials said that Siddqa had run away after being sold into an arranged marriage for $9,000 against her will.

See, this is what I mean when I say that we can’t call Islam v. the West a clash of civilizations, as only the latter is actually a civilization.

Religion of Peace . . . and Pieces . . . and Lotsa Blood — allahu FUBAR.

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