Name Your Kid Maria Or Jose, Says The Pope
With wars and genocide raging, world hunger, and birds dropping from the sky, Pope Benedict decided to weigh in on the truly important issue facing Christians today–those heathen Protestant names you've been giving your kids. In the middle of an annual baptismal ceremony at the Vatican Sunday, the Pope reportedly railed against names like Britney and Trig in favor of the more traditional Saints names that used to be required by the Catholic Church.
"[E]very new member of the faith acquires the character of a son or daughter of the Church 'starting from a Christian name,'" recalls Reuters of the Pope's comments. "This, he said, was 'an unequivocal sign that the Holy Spirit gives a rebirth to people in the womb of the Church.'" Also, it sounds funny when you give your kid a name like Ashley Martinez.
So, everyone needs to go back to naming their daughter Maria whatever and their son Jose whatever. That will keep things easy for the Pope to deal with. Kthanxbye.
Read more at barbara.guanabee.comSource: Reuters
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