LETTER: Buy more ammo

Amplify’d from

LETTER: Buy more ammo

Do you want freedom, or would you prefer to abdicate your liberty for the security and protection of the federal government?

Shall we surrender to the forces of liberalism and allow our children to become subservient to tyranny and the United Nations?

Why do we allow our Congress to use taxpayer money to refurbish mosques in foreign countries, yet we do not question why President Obama has never visited a synagogue?

Do you want the government to take care of your health care needs and manage your dietary requirements?

Will you let the government determine how much money you make and then accept high taxes that strip away your desire to create products, produce services and hire people?

Do you want Obama to tell you what kind of automobile you can drive, what light bulbs you can use in your house and how much water you can flush in your commode?

Are you willing to substitute your right to pray and lead a productive free life in exchange for total government control over your very existence from birth to death? If so, then register as a liberal Democrat.

If you would prefer to remain a free American able to make your own decisions, then take a stand. If you want to eliminate the redistribution of your wealth under the guise of climate change, Obamacare and the 16th Amendment, then register as a conservative Republican and buy more ammunition.



Related letter: Buy ammo? Why?


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