WikiLeaks: New Diplomatic Cables Contain UFO Details

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WikiLeaks: New Diplomatic Cables Contain UFO Details

Et ideo mittit illis Deus operationem erroris, ut credant mendacio. (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

The Telegraph reports the 39 year-old Australian Julian Assange, who is wanted by Interpol over a charge of rape and sexual assault in Sweden, said there were some references to extraterrestrial life in yet-to-be-published confidential files obtained from the American government.

Assange did not disclose what information was contained in the diplomatic memos obtained by the whistleblowing website.

It also remains unclear when they will be published.

Sarah Palin, the former Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, has called for Julian Assange to be hunted down like the al-Qaeda leadership, while other members of her party have directly called for a capital sentence against WikiLeaks personnel.

Former Republican Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said those responsible for the leaks should face execution.

I think it is quite amazing that the same politicians who attacked a Pastor in Florida some months ago, and accused him of low moral standards, because he wanted to burn a book, now show how little they esteem human lives, the truth, and free speech.

When a Pastor, Mike Huckabee, demands the execution of the 39 year-old Australian, then I realize we need more WikiLeaks on the Church.

I cannot believe millions of Priests silently accepted the prohibition for women to preach, or for Priests to get married.

How many did the Church execute to replace the Bible with its own ungodly commandments; ten persons, one thousand, or millions of people?

Elijah the Tishbite has a good answer to that.

It is difficult to keep faith in our political leaders.

How good to know that God laid down His life for us in the person of Jesus Christ!

And what a joy the Temple and the Levitical Priesthood shortly will be restored in Jerusalem!

WikiLeaks is very important to better understand both our politicians and the UFOs.

However, it is in the domain of religion WikiLeaks really is interesting, when we will get to know the truth about the Church.

"Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin", see Isaiah 30:1

"Propterea laetamini, caeli et qui habitatis in eis. Vae terrae et mari, quia descendit Diabolus ad vos habens iram magnam, sciens quod modicum tempus habet!", Revelation 12:12.

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