WikiLeaks: How Do They Have Sex In Queensland?

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WikiLeaks: How Do They Fuck In Queensland?

Ita et vos, cum videritis haec fieri, scitote quoniam prope est regnum Dei. (Luke 21:31)

The WikiLeaks sex files, and the global hunt for Julian Assange is reported by the Daily Mail.

The arrestation and story about WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange and his two Swedish women gets more and more bizarre.

The female orgasm is regarded as a basic human right in Sweden.

If Julian Assange happened to be too fast in bed, he could be in serious trouble.

I guess the Swedish judge, however, will understand Assange originates from another culture, where maybe the female orgasm has a minor importance?

If one of the women, as rumors go, was "robbed" of her orgasm, Assange could face legal troubles in Sweden.

Because if sex is used only for the pleasure of the man, then it gets close to rape by definition in Sweden.

But she will have problems to prove her case and convince the judge.

Some women are also not that loud, but rather quiet.

As for the other woman, a politician representing the Swedish social democrats, she threw a party in Assange's honor at her flat after the "crime" and tweeted to her followers that she is with the "the world’s coolest and smartest people".

I don't understand why that woman would throw a party for someone she says is cool and smart, and after that demand he be put in prison during four years for rape, for something which happened a few days before that party was thrown to his honor.

I guess Julian Assange has a lot of powerful enemies.

It is anyway welcome that the female orgasm, as a basic human right for women, now is put in focus thanks to WikiLeaks.

"Non est Iudaeus neque Graecus, non est servus neque liber, non est masculus neque femina; omnes enim vos unum estis in Christo Iesu", Galatians 3:28.

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