Wikileaks documents show importance of Vatican for US

The US has recognized that The Vatican is one of the few sovereign entities with a presence in almost every country in the world.

Wikileaks documents show importance of Vatican for US

by Adam Richards

State Department telegrams obtained by Wikileaks confirm the importance that U.S. diplomats put on the public pronouncements of the pope and the potential they have to strengthen American geopolitics.

The US has recognized that The Vatican is one of the few sovereign entities with a presence in almost every country in the world. The embassy of the United States to the Holy See has shown interest in the information collected by the Catholic Church worldwide, including in China, where, thanks to its contacts with the underground Church and the official Church of China, the Vatican has an excellent source of information on dissidents, human rights, religious freedom, and government control over people.

Relations are not always perfect though as for their part, Vatican diplomats try to assert their views with the United States, particularly on bioethics and religious freedom.

In 2006, anxious to encourage the Holy See to do more to bring a positive message about Turkey and its integration in the EU, the Americans put forward the idea of the integration and entry of the country into the EU as an opportunity to improve the lives of Christians in Turkey.

Cables also show U.S. diplomats were aggrieved by the Vatican’s reservations on the situation in Iraq in April 2007. Despite U.S. efforts to present the doctrine of preemptive war in Iraq as close to the concept of a ‘just war’ as developed by St. Augustine and the Christian philosopher Thomas Aquinas , the Vatican was opposed to military intervention and repeatedly expressed concern about the number of deaths and the overall situation in the country.


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