Tobias Lear V: Personal Secretary and Murderer of “Heretic” George Wasington

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Tobias Lear V: Personal Secretary and Murderer of “Heretic” George Wasington

Tobials Lear V: Personal Secretary and Murderer of George Washington on December 14, 1799

Tobias Lear V is undoubtedly the murderer of our dear White Father of the Republic of these Protestant United States of America (1787-1868), General and President George Washington.  Lear not only poisoned Washington with anthrax (possibly via a handkerchief), but then gave his noble relative a deadly cocktail, the final “poison cup.” Lear went on to be the personal secretary of President Thomas Jefferson, Lear destroying most of Washington’s private letters.  Since Jefferson benefited from both the death and destruction of the private papers of Washington, Thomas Jefferson also stands accused of murder!

President Thomas Jefferson, 1805: Co-Conspirator in the Murder of George Washington, 1799

This wicked sinner, Tobias Lear, later committed suicide, driven to his grave by a guilty conscience born out of his calculated murder of the greatest leader of the most prosperous and advanced Gentile nation in world history!  Your Editor must take a moment to weep over yet another “extirpation” of an “accursed liberal and heretic” leader carried out by Satan’s Jesuit Order.  For Washington, like Oliver Cromwell (also poisoned), was used by the Risen Lord Jesus Christ for the benefit of His Body, the Church of the risen Son of God captivated by the Word of God, the Holy Bible of the Protestant Reformation!

More to come!

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