Preaching Christmas: What Do You Recommend?

It is a pagan holiday!!!

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Preaching Christmas: What Do You Recommend?

Let’s be honest: Preaching at Christmas can be both a joy as well as a challenge for pastors. On one hand, the birth of Christ is is one of the most joyful topics to share with a congregation. No need for extra bells and whistles on that one. On the other hand, some pastors would like to preach sermons that don’t sound the same every year. So we are asking you, our readers, to share with us some fresh ideas for pastors on how to approach Christmas in a helpful way.

Here’s how you can help. Just post in the comment section below books, articles, or sermon examples that you have found helpful for Advent, Christmas Eve services, and preaching on the birth of Christ. I’ll start us off with a few resources:

Sinclair Ferguson (from Christmas 2006) – Sinclair Ferguson expounds and exalts Christ, so get to know him if you don’t already.  In the series below, Ferguson uses this world’s fascination with angels as an opportunity to point to the glory of Christ, which is what angles long to see, do, and say.

Juan Sanchez – The unique thing about Sanchez’s sermons is the wide variety of texts. He is a strong preacher who finds wonderful Christmas reflections in obvious texts and in not-so-obvious ones.

•   My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation Luke 2:21-39 |

•   Return of the King: The Promise of a King Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-8 |

•   The Birth of Jesus Christ Luke 2:1-20 |

•   The Return of the King Revelation 19:11-16

Nancy Guthrie has published a collection of readings for Advent, Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus, which features classic works from George Whitefield, Martin Luther, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Piper, and others.

Dean Lambert Smith’s The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Smith’s devotional traces the promises of God through the Bible to Jesus. It brings out the story of the Bible in a dramatic way that climaxes in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Not it’s your turn:  Is there any other resource that you would recommend for our online community? What have you seen or tried in the past that you found particularly helpful? Is there a resource you could recommend?

John Starke is an editor for The Gospel Coalition and managing editor of TGC Reviews, the book review site of The Gospel Coalition.


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