“I took an oath to be a Jesuit once,” Brown told the audience.
The Jesuit Oath
(By Carlos Didier, Subterranean Rome, pp349-351)
"When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt, and thus addresses the postulant:"
Superior: My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among theschools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to 'be all things to all men,' for the Pope' sake, whose servants we are unto death.
You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecretate his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.' Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the the Pope, repeat after me----
The Extreme Oath Of The Jesuits
"I, __________________________ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that the holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of German, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants of Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!
All of which, I, ____________________________, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant." (He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)
Superior: "You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.
In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges. The other answers Impious." (The meaning of which has already been explained.) "The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:
Question----From whither do you come?
Answer----The Holy faith.
Q.----Whom do you serve?
A.----The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.
Q.----Who commands you?
A.----The Successor of St, Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Q.----Who received you?
A.----A venerable man in white hair.
A.----With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of
the Pope and of our sacred order.
Q.----Did you take an oath?
A.----I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.
Q.----Will you do that?
A.----I will.
Q.----How do you travel?
A.----In the bark of Peter the fisherman.
Q.----Whither do you travel?
A.----To the four quarters of the globe.
Q.----For what purpose?
A.----To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.
Q.----Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He, who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated."
(Compare this to a lesser oath for a lesser 'initiated ones' that is given below)
The oath of a Catholic Priest
( By John Lyons, ex-catholic priest in a tract circulated in Glenside, Pa.)
"I do declare from my heart, without mental reservation. that the Pope is Christ's vicar-general and is the true and only head of the Universal Church throughout the world, and that by virtue of the Keys of binding and loosing given to his Holiness by Jesus Christ, he has power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred Confirmation, and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and his Holiness, rights and customs against all usurpers of the Protestant authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended authority of the Church of England and all adherents, in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the Sacred Mother, the Church of Rome.
I do renounce and disown any alliegance as due to any Protestant king, prince, or state, or obedience to any of their inferior officers. I do further declare the doctrine of the Church of England, of the Calvinist, Huguenots, and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise, all or any of his Holiness' agents, in any place wherever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extirpate the Protestant doctrine and to destroy all their pretended power, regal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding, I may be permitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels as they entrust to me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall be proposed given in charge, discovered unto me by you my most Reverend Lord and Bishop."
The preceeding is provided for informational purposes only and not intended to promote the Jesuits or Catholicism in any way, shape, or form.
Jerry Brown: Now and Then
David Paul Morris/Getty Images
California Governor-elect Jerry Brown speaks during a news conference at his campaign headquarters on Nov. 3, 2010 in Oakland.
Next week, nearly three decades after he left it, former California governor Jerry Brown – who’s also a former Secretary of State, former Oakland mayor and former state Attorney General - returns to the governor’s office. He first served from 1975 to 1983.
KPCC’s Frank Stoltze takes a look back at Brown’s first stint as the state’s chief executive.
The son of former Gov. Edmund G. “Pat” Brown succeeded conservative Republican icon Ronald Reagan as governor. At the time, many Californians hoped the young Democrat - he was 36 - would loosen the purse strings that Reagan had held so tightly.
AP Photo
Jerry Brown in 1980 with his father Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, right, also a former California governor.
But Brown didn’t, and in an interview this year he hinted at why.
“My mother. She was a very orderly, very frugal woman.”
Brown's mother, Bernice Layne Brown, was the daughter of a San Francisco police captain. She married Edmund G. "Pat" Brown in 1930 when she was 22, maintained a household while her ambitious husband started a law practice and later a political career during the Depression, and raised four children - with Jerry the oldest - during the war years.
Some observers called Brown tight, others thrifty like his mother. He told a reporter in 1976 that government didn’t need to spend to solve problems.
“People always say, ‘Give us more. Give us more planning, more experts.' Well, I would only cite the Vietnam War: the other side had less resources, less experts, less PhDs, and they won!”
Former Gov. Gray Davis served as Brown’s chief of staff.
He tells a story about the way Brown’s thrifty and political mind works. Customarily, the outgoing governor buys the incoming one a rug. Davis said Brown had refused.
“One day in his office, I noticed that there was a hole in the rug,” said Davis. He had spotted a 10-inch hole in the rug that had opened up next to Brown’s desk.
“So I told him I had asked General Services to come over and repair the hole. And he said, ‘You did what?’”
“He said, ‘Do you know that that hole has saved the state at least $500 million? Legislators can’t come in here and beat me up for more money for their pet causes if the governor has a hole in his rug.’”
That approach to governing didn’t always make for the best relationships with the legislature. Brown’s critics say he wasn’t the best steward of the state’s finances. In the 1970s, Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters was a cub reporter who covered Brown.
“His decision after Proposition 13 passed was to take on a lot of the burden of local governments and schools, No. 1 – which now he said he wants to undo,” said Walters.
“And No. 2, he cut state taxes at the same time to get himself kind of in alignment with the voters - and threw the state budget into an immediate operating deficit.”
It should be noted that Brown mostly signed surplus budgets. Walters also faults him for a lack of follow-through. He said Brown virtually stopped highway construction for a time with the idea of moving to mass transit, but he didn’t seem to push hard for it. Then the governor proposed a state space program.
“He got an astronaut and put him on his payroll – Rusty Schweickart – and promoted a California space program,” said Walters.
“And he got a little publicity out of it and went on for awhile and then he just dropped it.”
Gov. Davis said his fellow Democrat frequently changed the subject because he liked to entertain a lot of ideas. That could have to do with the years he’d spent in a Catholic seminary. But in a recent address, Brown himself pointed out his aversion to long commitments.
“I took an oath to be a Jesuit once,” Brown told the audience. “I got a little tired of that.”
Brown then laughed and said, “I waited about, I don’t know how long, from 1958 to five years ago to take another vow – which is a marriage vow – so I’m real slow.”
The national media loved covering Brown during his first two terms. He was the son of a political family, California’s youngest-ever chief executive, and different: he lived in an apartment instead of the governor’s mansion and rode in a 1974 Plymouth instead of a limousine. He ran for president.
“Jerry Brown is a very brilliant man,” said historian and former California state librarian Kevin Starr.
“He is a somewhat enigmatic man. I think that history will judge the Jerry Brown as governor not in isolation from the ‘70s. This is act three of a three-act play.”
Starr predicts a better Brown, especially since he’s seen the state’s problems as mayor of Oakland. Jerry Brown – now 72 years old, the oldest governor in America - says he’s smarter now.
“The real skill here is to be able to stand back a little bit – a certain amount of role distance – not be in your role so totally that you get absorbed by it.”
Brown likes philosophical talk. But he swears he remains grounded thanks to his early years with his mother.
“Everything in our house was order,” said Brown. “And that gave me an opportunity to create chaos because the order was always restored. And I’ve always appreciated that interrelationship between order and chaos.”
As California faces the worst fiscal crisis in its history, there’ll be plenty of room for both.
Read more at www.scpr.org
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