Hey, Yorkers, the IRS might have a refund for you

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Hey, Yorkers, the IRS might have a refund for you

JOHN WALK The York Dispatch

The Internal Revenue Service is looking for dozens of York County residents, but not to collect on taxes.

The IRS sent refund checks via standard mail to nearly 90 York County residents earlier this year, only to have the refunds returned as "undeliverable," said Mark Hanson, IRS media relations director of Pennsylvania.

To solve the problem, the IRS is asking people to make sure their address is updated because they want to return the refunds.

The occurrence happens every year with thousands of taxpayers across the country, Hanson said.

"The post office returns them to the IRS because

there's either an error with the address or because a taxpayer has moved or because the taxpayer has put the wrong address on their tax return," Hanson said.

York County isn't alone, Hanson said.

Of the 34.4 million refund checks sent out by the IRS this year, nearly 115,000 refunds were sent back, or about 0.03 percent.

Of that number, about 3,500 were sent back from Pennsylvania residents; the average refund from those returned checks is about $1,800.

The refund checks do not expire, Hanson said, meaning the IRS will hold onto the refund until the faulty address is eventually updated.

"If a taxpayer has an undelivered refund this year, but files taxes next year with an updated address, we can then send the refund from the previous year. Until then, the IRS just holds onto the refund," Hanson said.

How to get it: For the people who believe they have not yet received a refund check, the IRS is encouraging them to update their address through the following methods:

---Online: Visit and click on the "Where's My Refund?" tab and follow directions or search "88-22" to print out a change-of-address form and mail it to the IRS.

---Phone: Order a change-of-address form by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-3676.

-- Reach John Walk at 505-5439 or or follow on Twitter @ydcity.


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