The Day Our Minds Are to Stand Still

The Day Our Minds Are to Stand Still

Feel guilty that many people have such things as automobiles, and continually support existing commodities by denying feasible alternatives to petro, coffee, tobacco and pharmaceuticals...

From Philip A. Jonker's Predictive Programming in Movies"

A revealing and very important dialogue transpires between Klaatu and Dr Benson:

Klaatu: "This planet is dying. The human race is killing it."
Dr Benson: "So you've come here to help us?"
Klaatu: "No, I didn't."
Dr Benson: "You said you came to save us."
Klaatu: "I came to save the Earth."
Dr Benson:"You came to save the earth, from us."
Klaatu: "We cannot risk the survival of this planet for the sake of one species. If the earth dies, you die. If you die, the earth survives. There are only a handful of planets in the cosmos that are capable of supporting complex life. This one cannot be allowed to perish."
Dr Benson: "We can change. We can still turn things around..."
Klaatu: "We've watched. We've awaited and hoped that you would change. It has reached a tipping point where we have to act. We'll undo the damage you done and give the Earth a chance to begin again."
Dr Benson: "Don't do that...
Please. We can change."
Klaatu: "The decision has been made. The process has begun."

The movie makes no bones about the notion that the typical viewer is to blame for the phenomenon of the world going to hell in a hand basket. The degenerating environment, ballooning pollution, over-population global warming, it's all the fault of the average joe. Humans like a virus eating away the planet. What a horrible realization, the viewer is nudged into thinking... Consequently, he or she is left teetering on the brink of a guilt trip.

Lest going off on tangents, for all clarity, the imposition of a guilt-trip on the viewer and the need for (Obama-esque kind of) change are the predictive programming elements of significance in this most important of scenes.

Quite similar to the original, Klaatu proceeds to demonstrate his hands down intellectual superiority by kindly helping out with ease the planet's most intelligent physics scholar, Prof. Barnhardt. In addition, also similar to the original a standing Klaatu authoritatively looking down on a humble and seated Dr. Benson and Prof. Barnhardt, helps persuade the viewer to also accept Klaatu's parental moral superiority.

A most interesting discussion follows between Prof. Barnhardt and Klaatu:

Professor: "There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that can solve our problem."
Klaatu: "The problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change."
Professor: Then help us change..."
Klaatu: "I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other."
Professor: "But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually. [...] Only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now."
Klaatu: "Yes."
Professor: "Well, that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction, and you are right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.

This is our moment, don't take it from us. We are close to an answer."

Again all the woes and ills of the world are pinned on the typical viewer. Never are the guiding financial, economic and religious powers given even as much as a casual and superficial critical review. And that's a shame really, since it is not the hordes of simpleton Joe Sixpack's and Jane Soap opera's who are too blame but rather a relatively small group of psychopathic megalomaniacs; the bigger than life banksters, the mesmerizing religious hierarchies - most notably that of the Catholic Church, the military industrial complex, etc., who are ruining it for the rest of world.

But oh no, movies like this tempt us into believing that not only are we guilty, we need to be driven on the brink of annihilation in order to greet a better world. What a great premonition that is, huh?

On the side, Klaatu demonstrates his superhuman magical powers by downing two obnoxious helicopters but then contrasts this act of aggression by showcasing a high moral standing through rescuing the son of Dr Benson from falling to sure death. Thus his authority over life and death is laid bear.


Ironically, after witnessing from close up the most basic and ubiquitous types of bonding belonging to humans, Klaatu has a change of heart and confesses to Dr. Benson: "There's another side to you. I feel it now." The obvious question being, couldn't he have realized that a bit sooner? Wouldn't it have been better for him to first study humans from close up rather than doing that after setting in motion the hellish wrath from outer space? After all, didn't he and his space alien buddies scrutinize this planet for quite a while already before coming to earth?

Anyway, be that as it may. The rudimentary type of bonding between mother and child is offered as the key to our Problem apparently and proceeds to save the day. It is literally and figuratively left out of the picture that the loving and forgiving relationship as seen between mother and child is unfortunately usually not as pronounced in other relationships as the movie seems to imply. The movie does not care, and they all, minus a few soldiers, intelligence personnel and a truck driver, live happily ever after.

In addition, never mind those big bad boy banksters hiding and snickering in the shadows who no doubt greatly enjoy this remarkable piece of tear-jerking distraction. A craftily made and entertaining work of misdirection aimed at obfuscating the faces of the real guilty; the bunch of megalomaniacal degenerates really responsible for sending this world to hell, and then some.

It is all about guilting people out against modernity- technologies allowing many people to do more things- tripping them out to get them to curse not any sort of undesirable side effects --- aka pollution -- but rather the modernity itself- and from those enjoying such, usually via a magic word getting people to suspend thinking.

Take, for instance, the name of 'environmentalism', it will get otherwise intelligent people to invect against 'cars' thoughlessly. Oh lets just get rid of all of the cars*, qipped a passenger in a car that I was driving, an automobile that had gotten her from Washington, D.C. to New York City in about 4 hours -- all the while forgetting about the miseries of animal powered transport in animal sh*t and its accompanying disease! (while offereing absolutely nothing in useful criticism about say reducing emissions via improved propulsion technologies, lest say the status quo lose market share). [*cars is a term actually encompassing private automobiles and train cars, trolly (light rail) cars, uses, indeed anything self movable asides from boats (hulls), airplanes (fuselages), and bikes]. As it was the New Jersey approach to the Holland Tunnel that had elicited that quip, it was the ingrained idea of the use of automobiles by the many that 's the target. (Indeed, why not instead ask why Lower Manhattan has, for vehicular traffic from the west, has only the original 2x2 lanes of the Holland Tunnel as built during the 1920s- why is there no subsequent project to add paralell tubes, let alone some continuing eastward belowground to connect withe Williamsburg Bridge?)

An alternative goal of informing the masses would have a different message:

Your people are dumbed out and conditioned to become too lazy to inquire independently with its heard mentality; too many people spend too much time watching sports, pornography, or gambling.

Too many of you don't realize how your 'news' media is designed to dumb you down, not reporting on matters outside of one's country or even state/province in any depth- aka around the world in 80 seconds on FOX, let alone my Westchester County, N.Y. Comcast Cable which reduced its inclusion of the Megahertz TV channel to only 30 minutes weekly before eliminating it

You ask why politics are so screwed up while continually voting for the lesser of two evils; yet you fail to fathom the quite obvious dynamics of a intrinsically corrupt fraternal order society of suck-ups producing mediocracy claoked as great achievment, evidenced via the countless political broken promises and votes made unanimously and without debate like a bunch of drones.

A Beholden Doctrine


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