Birthdays and Baal Worship

Amplify’d from

Birthdays and Baal Worship

By Christine Godfrey

In 2007 I attended a church conference of which the theme was ‘Elijah the Prophet’. During the conference we studied the life and events of Elijah as they apply to us today. One of the topics of study was ‘Modern Day Baal Worship’. The audio is available here and transcript here. The presentation of the topic came from a completely different direction that I would have imagined. After the close of the Conference I began to ask the LORD for insight into the areas of my life where I still worship at the shrine of Baal. Not too many days after I was reading my Bible for morning devotion where some Scriptures suddenly clicked together with other passages I had read and as they say, the penny dropped. So with this inspiration I researched the Spirit of Prophecy on the subject and hence my investigations on Birthdays expanded into this study. The lives of people recorded in the scriptures are for our learning. The Bible is true and it records all their faults. As Corinthians says, their lives are examples for those of us who are living in the last moments of time.

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.1 Corinthians 10:11

Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. 1 Corinthians 10:6

Jesus is our example in all things. As we all know there is no record of his date of birth anywhere in the scriptures. Is there a reason for this? We will find out later in the study.

Only Three Birthday Parties Are Mentioned In the Scriptures

1. And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. Genesis 40:20

2. But when Herod’s birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. Matthew 14:6

3. And his sons went and feasted [in their] houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

And it was so, when the days of [their] feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings [according] to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. Job 1:4-5.

…looking forward to the royal birthday, which she [Herodias] knew would be an occasion of gluttony and intoxication. 2SP 76

Is there any significance attached to the fact that Jesus gave no example of celebrating his birthday? The only examples in scripture of Birthday celebrations are of two men that were directly opposed to God. That’s what got me wondering in the light of the words from Corinthians that all these things were examples for us upon whom the ends of the world are come.  How sad it would be if I as professed follower of Christ read and studied these stories and failed to apply these things to my lives and when Jesus comes in the clouds of heaven hear His voice say to me. I never knew you.


The question needs to be asked, why wasn’t Job at his children’s birthday parties? He was making sacrifice and prayers for them during these times and ‘continually’ doing so. Why? Because in these occasions they may have sinned.  After scripture tells us this, tragedy comes upon them. A young man once asked a minister of the Gospel the meaning of Romans 12:2;

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Are birthday celebrations a pattern of this world? No one would deny this question. The world through the media says birthdays are for indulging oneself in eating, drinking and partying, extra money, gifts, clothes, toys are given (or even asked for) on our birthdays. What we normally would not do, eat or drink at any other time seems okay to do just because we have reached another year. All sorts of exceptions are made because it is our birthday. Consciously or unconsciously we even seem to think that we are exempt from eating temperately on a birthday. Why does the scripture call us to put away the patterns of this world?

4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

4:5 Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.  James 4:4-6.

When I stop and reflect upon my birthdays I can honestly say when I’m acknowledged and a fuss is made I feel pretty pleased (or quietly proud) with myself, my achievement of reaching another year. But really what have I done to get through another year? In fact if I think about my bad habits and failure to keep the laws of health through the past year I have been working against self preservation and make the work harder for the Holy Spirit to reach me. I really should be ashamed and humbled on that day knowing that despite my sinful ways the LORD has indeed been gracious to me.

Without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Therefore, I am constrained to ask Why do I feel as if I need the special recognition?

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:7-8

How do I draw nigh to God?

Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. James 4:9

When I turn away from pleasing self, the flesh definitely feels afflicted and it mourns. The laughter of frivolity that accompanies birthdays is enmity with God.

Be ye therefore followers of God…all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints…nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience… Be not ye therefore partakers with them…For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: Ephesians 5:1-8.

Those who jest and joke and indulge in cheap conversation place themselves upon a level where Satan can gain access to them. . . . When you associate together, you may be a help and a blessing one to another if you surround yourselves with an influence that is divine. But there are those who have grave defects, which are gaining a deeper hold upon them and which if not overcome will drive the Spirit of God out of the heart. . . . Jesting and joking may please a class of cheap minds, and yet the influence of this kind of conduct is destructive to spirituality. I speak to you as a class and also as individuals: Guard your words. Let sobriety and sound common sense characterize your conversation. Do not trifle with the purity and nobility of your souls by condescending to indulgence in stale jokes, and in cultivating habits of trifling conversation. OHC 292

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4:10

In my experience I have found in celebrating Birthdays we lift each other up. Oh we might have a short grace/prayer thanking the LORD for the person and another year but the rest of the time God is not acknowledged and the day is flittered away in trifling, jesting, joking and materialism. But the WORD says to humble ourselves and let GOD lift us up in due time.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:24

12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

16 Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.

17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, [that they are] the enemies of the cross of Christ:

19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Philippians 3:12-20.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2.

Jesus Is Our Example in All Things

Is there a reason for the scriptures not giving us the date of Jesus birth?

And Christmas will soon be here. It is supposed that Christ was born on the 25th day of December, and for that reason it is celebrated as His birthday. But it is impossible for us to know upon what day He was born. You can know no more about that than the children of Israel could know where Moses was buried. The reason God has not revealed that fact is because you would have worshiped that day, as they would have worshiped the grave of Moses had they found it, and this is just what they have done with the day they supposed was the one on which Christ was born. 21MR 223.2

Worship: intense love or devotion to adore, adulate (elevate), deify, exalt, glorify, honour, idolize, laud, love, praise, pray to, put on a pedestal, respect, revere, and reverence, venerate. The 25th December has indeed become a day of worship. Consider all the fuss and preparations made, and all the money spent for that one day. It’s often not much different for the birthday, how much time and effort often goes into a birthday. How much money is spent unnecessarily when we really think about it seriously? After reading the following quotes in reference to birthdays I know in my heart that I have much to repent of. I have truly failed in this area and have set a very bad example to my children and family. I have caused them to worship at the shrine of Baal with me. This is very shameful. I seek forgiveness from my family and hope they will read and study the subject for themselves so my sins will not continue to the third and fourth generation.

Now, when it comes to holidays, if a man has a penny or a shilling he must get on the cars and go and spend it somewhere. Now, we must understand we can make our own holidays, but we must not have a holiday because somebody is dead or somebody is alive or it is somebody’s birthday. 2SAT 128.2

Everybody is trying to find out how they can bring suitable gifts to one another. In the family the study is to know what next they can give. They have given something every year. Now what shall I give this year to the children, or to father and mother? But where are the Saviour’s poor? They are right before your doors. {21MR 223.3}

Now, why is this so? It is because there is so much selfishness. Jesus Christ identified Himself with His suffering poor, and when we do the works of benevolence we are doing it unto Christ. I want to know how many of us are doing this kind of work. How many will keep Christmas aright? The wealthy bring gifts to their friends but they are rich still. Then how can this be a sacrifice to them? Then what shall we do to please God? I will tell you. If you would keep this day as you should, you would call upon the needy poor, and if they are in want of anything, supply that want. {21MR 223.5}

When Joseph and Mary were at the temple, while the smoke was ascending from off the altar, their prayers were going up with thanksgiving to God that He had provided them with an offering to bring to Him. But how is it with us when the children come to their birthdays? Do we make an offering to God for His goodness and care over the child for another year? Is this the way we do? Or do we go out and buy a present for the child and by so doing cultivate in the child a spirit of selfishness? {21MR 224.8}

How much better it would be to teach the children, upon their birthday, that they should go to God with an offering upon that day. Teach them that they ought to lay up something to bring to God on their birthday, as a thank offering for His mercies over them through the year, and so keep God in their memory. {21MR 225.1}

Our birthday anniversaries, and Christmas and Thanksgiving festivals, are too often devoted to selfish gratification, when the mind should be directed to the mercy and loving-kindness of God. God is displeased that His goodness, His constant care, His unceasing love, are not brought to mind on these anniversary occasions.–Review and Herald, Dec. 23, 1890. {CSW 143.2}

Parents, do not neglect to impart to your children the very education they should have. Upon their birthdays, instead of calling their attention to themselves by giving them presents, teach them to come with an offering to God. It is a sad fact that there are many children who have been left to come up willful, disobedient, unthankful, and unholy, yet whose birthdays are respected and honored with feasting and with gifts, when it would have been better had they never been born. Their birthdays might better be observed with fasting, clothing them with sackcloth, instead of making them occasions of amusement and giving gifts; for their steps are rapidly leading to perdition and ruin. In many cases, birthday gifts have proved a detriment rather than a blessing. The children should be educated to look to God as the giver of life, their protector and their preserver, and to come to him with an offering for all his favors. Every opportunity should be employed to implant in their hearts right views of God and his love for us. Nothing should be done to foster in them vanity, self-esteem, or pride. Teach them to review the past year of their life, to consider whether they would be glad to meet its record just as it stands in the books of heaven. Encourage in them serious thoughts, whether their deportment, their words, their works, are of a character pleasing to God. Have they been making their lives more like Jesus, beautiful and lovely in the sight of God? Teach them the knowledge of the Lord, his ways, his precepts. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. We want the children to learn to look away from self to heavenly things, there to bestow their thanksgiving. Under the Jewish economy, on the birth of children an offering was made to God, by His own appointment. Now we see parents taking special pains to present gifts to their children upon their birthdays; they make this an occasion of honoring the child, as though honor were due to the human being. . . . For life, health, food, and clothing, no less than for the hope of eternal life, we are indebted to the Giver of all mercies; and it is due to God to recognize His gifts, and to present our offerings of gratitude to our greatest benefactor. These birthday gifts are recognized in heaven. {SD 152.2}

If Christian parents had accustomed their children to present offerings to God in acknowledgment of His great gift of salvation to men, how different would be the character of the young. Their minds would have been called away from themselves to the blessed Saviour. They would have been taught to feel that He loved them, and that He is the source of all blessing; that He is their hope of happiness and eternal life. {SD 152.3}

If this kind of education had been given to our children, we should today see far less selfishness, far less envy and jealousy; we should have more manly young men and womanly young women. We should see the youth coming up with moral strength, with pure principles, with well-balanced minds and lovely characters, because the Model would be ever before them; they would be impressed with the importance of copying the excellence of Jesus, the Pattern. {RH, December 23, 1890 par. 11}

There is no record of Jesus family never acknowledged his birthday.

How the enemy has wrought to place temporal things above spiritual! Many families who have but little to spare for God’s cause, will yet spend money freely to purchase rich furniture or fashionable clothing. How much is spent for the table, and often for that which is only a hurtful indulgence; how much for presents that benefit no one! Many spend considerable sums for photographs to give to their friends. Picture-taking is carried to extravagant lengths, and encourages a species of idolatry. How much more pleasing to God it would be if all this means were invested in publications which would direct souls to Christ and the precious truths for this time! The money wasted on needless things would supply many a table with reading-matter on present truth, which would prove a savor of life unto life. {RH, December 23, 1890 par. 11}

Satan’s suggestions are carried out in many, many things. Our birthday anniversaries, and Christmas and Thanksgiving festivals, are too often devoted to selfish gratification, when the mind should be directed to the mercy and loving-kindness of God. God is displeased that his goodness, his constant care, his unceasing love, are not brought to mind on these anniversary occasions. {RH, December 23, 1890 par. 12}


This spirit of self-sacrifice has become feeble in the hearts of Christ’s professed followers. Instead of gratefully inquiring, What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? how many of those who claim to have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, seem bent on self-pleasing. Even Christmas, the day observed professedly in honor of the birthday of Christ, has been made a most effective means of turning the mind away from Christ, away from his glory. If Christmas is kept at all, it should be kept in a way that will be in harmony with its significance. Christ should be remembered, his name honored; the old, old story of his love should be recounted. Instead of saying by our actions that we are putting Christ out of our minds and hearts, we should testify to men, to angels, and to God, that we remember our Redeemer, by following his example of self-sacrifice for others’ good. But the day chosen to honor Christ is devoted by the many to honoring and pleasing themselves. Appointed to keep the Saviour in remembrance, it is spent in causing him to be forgotten. {RH, December 9, 1890 par. 3}

As a people we have not realized the work which should have been done in the last days of the old year, and much of it is left undone. The excitement of the Christmas holiday is now in the past, and what has been the record that has passed up to God? As we have professed to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, have our hearts been filled with gratitude for the infinite gift of God’s dear Son? Have our thoughts and affections been such as God can accept? Has Jesus been revered and honored? Has he been made prominent in our thoughts and plans? and have our gifts flowed into his treasury? Is it not true that in many instances Christ and his claims have been forgotten in the feasting and merriments, and that the honor due to him has been given to man? Have not the thoughts, the labor, and the means been diverted from the proper object, and turned into a channel to please, honor, and exalt the human, rather than the divine? {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 5}

I have felt most keenly our danger as a people on these occasions. I have feared that selfishness would be strengthened, that idolatry would be encouraged, and the love of God be crowded from our hearts; that the record borne to the heavenly courts would show that Christ was made of less consequence than earthly friends. I have feared that feasts and social gatherings would prove to be a snare of Satan to divert the mind from Christ and his great sacrifice in our behalf; that the very associations which should lead us to contemplate the work of redemption would be lost sight of in the observance of worldly customs, and that there would be less thought of Jesus and the mansions he has gone to prepare for those who love him, than upon common occasions. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 6}

I see no objection to placing even in our churches a Christmas or New Year tree bearing fruit in gifts and offerings for the cause of God. We may thus take advantage of the occasion to turn the customary gifts of the season into the right channel. And such a holiday celebration is a useful lesson to our children, teaching them to bestow their gifts in a manner to honor their Redeemer. But when we devote our means and labor to feasting ourselves, we fail to render to God that honor which is his due. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 7}

Christ opened before us the bright path of peace, of joy, of Heaven; and what have we done for him on these occasions when every word and act should express our gratitude for his wondrous love? How stands the record of the past Christmas? Have we given to Jesus all that there is of us? Have we denied self that we might show our affection for our best friend? Have we made a record that we shall not be ashamed to meet in the day of final accounts? If all realized as they should the shortness of time, the backslidings of our people, the perils which beset our pathway, the deceptions of Satan, and his victories over unguarded souls, there would be no feasting, no mirthful gatherings to pay honor to the human; but there would be a great humbling of heart before God, and earnest prayer for pardoning and sanctifying grace. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 9}

Peter, who once denied his Lord, was afterward forgiven by our Saviour, and entrusted with the work of feeding the flock of God. Yet when condemned to death, and about to suffer for Christ’s sake, the apostle begged that he might not be crucified in the same position as his Lord and Master, but that he might be nailed to the cross with his head downward. He felt that it was too great an honor for him to be put to death in the same manner as his Saviour whom he had denied. Would it not be well if our consciences were more sensitive? if we could possess more of the same spirit of contrition and humility? At a time when we are professedly celebrating Christ’s birth, should we not keep self in the background? Would it not be more appropriate to abase self and to exalt Jesus? {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 10}

Our time and talents belong to God, to be used for his honor and glory. It should be our earnest, anxious effort to let the light shine through our life and character to illumine the pathway Heavenward, that souls may be attracted from the broad road to the narrow way of holiness. Oh, that the followers of Christ had less desire to devote labor, time, and money, to feasts and celebrations in honor of earthly friends, and a greater desire to honor Jesus! I entreat you to bring to him your gifts and offerings, and withhold not yourselves. Strong men are needed in the church, successful workers in the Lord’s vineyard, men and women who will labor that the church may be transformed to the image of Christ, rather than conformed to the customs and practices of the world. We have everything to gain or to lose. Let us see that we are on the side of Christ–the gaining side; that we are making sure work for Heaven. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 15}

I have resolved from this time to make Christ first and last and best in everything. I will not sanction feasts made to celebrate birthday or marriage anniversaries, but will bend all my energies to lift up Jesus among the people. I will seek to impress upon the minds of my brethren and sisters the great necessity of preparation of heart, by confession and humiliation, to be accepted of God and acknowledged as his dear children. My heart has ached as I have seen men honored, while Jesus was neglected and almost forgotten,–liberal gifts for earthly friends, but poor and meager offerings for him to whom we owe our all. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 8}

50th Birthday My birthday is past without commemoration. Father and I went to Green Valley from Healdsburg California, fourteen miles and back. The road part of the way was bad. We wandered out of the way some. We arrived at Brother Ross’s. They had nothing in the home to eat. I tended a babe, held it in one arm and prepared my dinner myself. Made a little mush, cooked some eggs and put on a few cold gems. This composed my dinner, birthday dinner, half a century old! Not much display in this. Then our birth does not amount to much. It is not of much consequence in regard to our birth–not half as much as in regard to our lives. How do we live? Our daily life will either honor or dishonor the day of our birth.–Letter 39, 1877, p. 1. (To Dear Children, Willie and Mary, November 27, 1877.) {4MR 39.1}

51st Birthday Yesterday was my birthday. We were in Plano. After two o’clock a.m., we rode to Dallas in what is here called a hack, but is a lumber wagon. We had two mules hitched before it, looking like two father rabbits, and we drove eighteen miles to Dallas. Stopped at Brother Miller’s and warmed, then came three miles farther to Sister Cole’s. So much for the anniversary of my fifty-first birthday.–Letter 57, 1878, p. 1. (To Dear Children, November 27, 1878.) {4MR 39.2}

I had entirely forgotten that yesterday was my birthday, until I had returned from my ride just before dinner. Then I found that Sister King . . . invited to dinner, May White and her children, and Ella May and Dores Robinson. I had been so busy that I had not thought of its being my birthday, and I was, as Brother Starr used to say, plumb surprised to find such a large gathering, and two tables set in our dining room. We partook of a nicely prepared meal, after which we went into the parlor, and engaged in a season of prayer and sang a few hymns. The Lord came graciously near to us as we offered up hearty thanksgiving to God for His goodness and mercy to us all. . . . {2MR 252.4}

I spent the first Sabbath after you left at Santa Rosa. The little house of worship was well filled. I had special freedom in speaking to the people and the blessing of the Lord rested upon me and those assembled. They all seemed to be so much encouraged. I was not where any parade could be made over my birthday and I am glad I was not. I think but little of these extra entertainments to celebrate birthdays. {4MR 40.2}

64th Birthday After the meeting we drove to the ship and bade our friends good-bye. My sixty-fourth birthday came on Thanksgiving Day, a few days after leaving Honolulu, and the friends at Honolulu presented me with a ten-dollar gold piece as a birthday present, and Mr. Kerr, though a non professor, gave me an upholstered rocking chair from his parlor set as a birthday present, because I happened to mention that it was an easy chair. It has been a great comfort to me on the voyage, when sitting on deck. {4MR 43.2}

I have said to my family and my friends, I desire that no one shall make me a birthday or Christmas gift, unless it be with permission to pass it on into the Lord’s treasury, to be appropriated in the establishment of missions. AU Gleaner, December 19, 1906 par. 9

65th Birthday Today I am sixty-five years old. I spoke to our people from the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah.–Ms 38, 1892, pp. 6, 7. (Diary. November 26, 1892.)

70th Birthday Today I am seventy years old. I thank and praise my heavenly Father for the clearness of mind and the peace and grace of Christ I enjoy.–Letter 200, 1897, p. 2. (To Dear Son Willie, November 26, 1897.) {4MR 44.1}

72nd Birthday Seventy-two years ago today my life in this world commenced. I am still able to labor, to watch unto prayer, to speak to hundreds of people for more than an hour at a time.–Ms 158, 1899, p. 1. (Untitled, November 26, 1899.) {4MR 44.2}

74th Birthday This is my seventy-fourth birthday. I thank the Lord for the grace and health He has given me up to this time.–Ms 127, 1901, p. 1. (Untitled, Tuesday, November 26, 1901.) {4MR 44.3}

78th Birthday I am now seventy-eight years old. I am grateful to my heavenly Father that I am able to do my writing.–Letter 322, 1905, p. 1. Nothing is so precious to me as to know that Christ is my Saviour. I appreciate the truth, every jot of it, just as it has been given to me by the Holy Spirit for the last fifty years. I desire everyone to know that I stand on the same platform of truth that we have maintained for more than half a century. That is the testimony I desire to bear on the day that I am seventy-eight years of age.–Ms 142,

Shall we not in this New Year seek to correct the errors of the past? It behooves us individually to cultivate the grace of Christ, to be meek and lowly of heart, to be firm, unwavering, steadfast in the truth; for thus only can we advance in holiness, and be made fit for the inheritance of the saints in light. Let us begin the year with an entire renunciation of self; let us pray for clear discernment, that we may understand our Saviour’s claims upon us, and that we may always and everywhere be witnesses for Christ. {ST, January 4, 1883 par. 14}

My prayer is that I will not forget this new revelation of modern day Baal worship. My prayer is that I will not slip back into this unacceptable practice again and most of all that the LORD will give me grace to allow my flesh to be afflicted and mourn and weep: and let my laughter be turned to mourning and my joy to heaviness when others around me are feasting and celebrating. Also grace and mercy to forget those things which are behind, and reach forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.



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