Alan O’Reilly to EJP: Queen Victoria’s “Haman;” Jesuit Coadjutor King Edward VII

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Alan O’Reilly to EJP: Queen Victoria’s “Haman;” Jesuit Coadjutor King Edward VII

Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Crown Prince Edward, 1870

Thanks, Eric
Something just clicked into place for me the other day following your recent posts.  It is Esther 3, especially the last verse, Esther 3:15, “The posts went out, being hastened by the king’s commandment, and the decree was given in Shushan the palace. And the king and Haman sat down to drink; but the city Shushan was perplexed.”
King Ahasuerus was a tyrant but not a monster like “this wicked Haman” Esther 7:6.  Yet, he was duped into being party to the evil of genocide, by his evil adviser, Haman, who I think was the original Jesuit.  I suggest that a study of Haman would reveal a lot about the workings of the SJ in the corridors of power.

I believe that the peoples of the US, UK and the Old Dominions must be perplexed at the actions and decisions of many of their leaders but with Hamans SJ at the centres of power, it’s possible to understand how the Devil is weakening the nations, Isaiah 14:12, for his one-world concentration camp under the Beast of Revelation 13.

At the very least, Queen Victoria, for example, got duped.  She urged for the KJB to be distributed throughout her empire and told an African chieftain “That Book accounts for the supremacy of England,”

Yet she re-opened diplomatic relations with Rome in the latter part of her reign.  The UK has never recovered and Africa has steadily reverted to savagery.  There has to have been a Haman involved, or more likely several.

We certainly need to pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and that the Lord “frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;” Isaiah 44:25.  This is the only way today’s Hamans, the SJ, can be defeated, I believe.  With their defeat, the Catholic-Hispanic + Moslem invasion of the US and the EU + Moslem subversion of the European nations, especially Britain and the Old Dominions, must collapse, though the final victory won’t be until the 2nd Advent, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10.

Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ



Brother Alan,

I think the evil Haman that duped Victoria was none other than her wicked, serial adulterer son, Bertie, later King Edward VII.  For, according to you, it was he that readmitted the Jesuits into England in 1902.  Further, he fomented WWI when he became king, working with Tzar Nicholas II and Poincarin of France—as well as Jesuit Coadjutor Kaiser Wilhelm II.

What do you think?

Brother Eric

Queen Victoria Presenting an AV1611 English Bible to an African Chief, 1850s; Diabolical Plotter of the Jesuit Order's Future War on the Zulus and the Boers, Knight of the Garter Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Prince Albert (Father of Edward VII) Stands Behind his Wife, Queen Victoria

There’s a lot to be said for that, Eric

An English historian, J.R. Broome, wrote a most informative book entitled Reformation and Counter-Reformation and discloses that Victoria’s son, as King Edward VII, visited Pope Leo XIII – a first such visit since the Reformation.  This was the result of increasing contacts by the British throne with the Vatican beginning with Victoria’s gift sent to Pius IX, the murderer of Abraham Lincoln, for his jubilee in 1877.

The treasonable beginnings go back to the Oxford Movement of 1830’s, which, interestingly enough, happened about the same time as the Emancipation Act of 1829, that allowed Catholics to become members of the British Parliament.  The SJ was clearly working on several fronts, including the introduction of the corrupt Revised Version of Westcott and Hort to overthrow the KJB.  Work on the corrupt Greek text for the RV NT was underway years earlier in 1870.  We also have Cardinal Manning’s declaration of 1859, setting out Rome’s aim to overthrow the Protestant British Empire, which has been largely achieved.

Edward VII was a key player, though.  I recall a televised documentary where he was described in the early years of the 20th century as greatly revered by the royal families of Europe, who affectionately called him “Uncle Edward.”  He would therefore be the perfect SJ tool, I think and it is probably not a coincidence that the British throne acquiesced in 1910 to the removal of the clause in the Coronation Oath that declares the mass as a blasphemous fable.  Conan Doyle, the spiritualist (Jesuit educated) and creator of Sherlock Holmes was instrumental in this subversion.

Thus the stage was set for the horror of WW1, which was no doubt in part God’s judgement on the above dalliances with Rome.

Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ,



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