Alan O’Reilly: Rome’s Destruction of White Protestant and Baptist Great Britain

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Alan O’Reilly: Rome’s Destruction of White Protestant and Baptist Great Britain

Henry Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster: Papal Agent of the Jesuits in the Plotted Overthrow of the AV1611 Bible, White British Protestants and British Empire, 1865-1892

Thanks, Eric
I hope readers find these summaries useful.  Chapter 8 of David Daniels’ book Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? from Chick Publications, entitled “The Jesuits Attack” shows simply but graphically how John Newman and the Oxford Movement subverted Bible belief in the Church of England and prepared the ground for Westcott and Hort, the spiritualists – see remarks below.  In Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, Chapter 10, Benjamin Wilkinson, states that:
“The triumvirate which constantly worked to bring things to a head, and who later sat on the Revision Committee, were Ellicott, Lightfoot, and Moulton.  They found it difficult to get the project on foot.  Twice they had appealed to the Government in hopes that, as in the case of the King James in 1611, the King [i.e. the monarch, Queen Victoria] would appoint a royal commission.  They were refused.”
God must have still had some of His men in the British Government at the time, fighting a rear-guard action.  We desperately need them now.
The king, of course, did sanction the AV1611, Ecclesiastes 8:4, which explains why that Book has power and none of the new bibles do.  But Wilkinson’s disclosure shows how the Society of Jesus (SJ) plans long term and underlines the fact that one victory against the Jesuit does not win the war!
Spiritualism was/is of course another Satanic device (2 Corinthians 2:11) designed to undermine the Holy Bible’s authority.  This device made great progress in 19th century England, under the influence of Helena Blavatsky, but Dr. Rivera stated in The Force that no-one went deeper into the occult than the Jesuits, so they must have been involved.   It’s also worth noting that the Devil was working on “the oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20) in England at this time, with Darwinianism, Origin of the Species being first published in 1859.
It is interesting that evolution got a big boost in 1912, with the so-called Piltdown Man (the remains were discovered in a gravel pit near the village of Piltdown, in East Sussex, England).  The Piltdown Man was exposed as a hoax in 1953,, but by then the lie of evolution had taken a firm hold in the US and the UK, which it won’t lose until the Second Advent.  Instrumental in creating the hoax was Teilhard De Chardin, SJ, who was at the original dig site.
On all these fronts, Cardinal Manning’s strategy is seen to have been unfolding in the formerly Bible-believing English-speaking Protestant nations.  [Manning was a personal friend of Roundtable founder, 33rd Degree Freemason Cecil Rhodes.  EJP]  This is what he actually said in 1859:
“If ever there was a land in which work is to be done, and perhaps much to suffer, it is here…We have to SUBJUGATE and SUBDUE, to CONQUER and RULE, an imperial race. We have to do with a will which reigns throughout the world, as the will of old Rome reigned once.  We have to BEND or BREAK that will which nations and kingdoms have found invincible and inflexible.  Were heresy conquered in England, it would be conquered throughout the world.  All its lines meet here, and therefore in England the Church of God must be gathered in its strength.”
[Notice Rome's confessed conspiracy specifically directed against the White "imperial race" of the British Protestants!  Indeed, Rome is waging a race war upon the White peoples of every historic White Protestant nation on earth!  EJP]
It therefore becomes clear why the 1611 Authorized King James Holy Bible became the focal point of attack, to be discredited by means of spiritualism, closet Catholicism (John Newman, later a Cardinal of Rome!) evolution and textual criticism, so-called, the latter attack mounted by Westcott and Hort, who were great admirers of both Blavatsky and Newman.  This is what the English writer F. W. Faber said about the KJB – he defected from the Church of England to Rome and said this after he became a Catholic.
“Who will not say that the uncommon beauty and marvelous English of the Protestant Bible is not one of the great strongholds of heresy [i.e. Bible belief] in this country?  It lives on the ear like music that can never be forgotten, like the sound of church bells.  Its felicities often seem to be things rather than words.  It is part of the national mind, and the anchor of national seriousness.”
Britain was of course a great imperial power in the 19th century and we have to remember what Charles Chiniquy said in Why I Left the Church of Rome (all the Lord’s people should read it).
“It is a fact that to-day, almost all over the world, the Church of Rome grants permission to read the Bible…But I will here ask the Roman Catholics, “To whom do you owe that privilege and honour of a Bible in your house?  Is it to your Church?”  Oh! no, for if your Church could be free to fulfil her own laws you would be sent to gaol; nay you would be burnt on a scaffold for that Bible.  But you owe that privilege to the glorious British Protestant flag which protects you – wherever it floats on the breeze, no Pope, no priest will dare to trouble you for that Bible – they let you possess and read that holy book because they cannot help it.”
So Britain had to be crushed politically and militarily as well as ideologically.  Hence “Uncle Edward” and WW1.  Although Britain was technically a victor in 1918, the nation lost its best future leaders mainly in 1916, during the battle of the Somme, a Pyrrhic victory for the Allies.  The nation has never recovered from that loss.  [Britain ultimately also lost 100,000 of her finest White Protestant men in Turkey thanks to Winston Churchill's human sacrifice at Gallipoli!  EJP]

It’s easy to see therefore how Cardinal Manning’s strategy has unfolded – and who the next-favoured target of the Vatican and the SJ is.  It is of course “the prince of this world” (John 12:31, 14:30) who guides the Black Pope and that explains why the SJ strategy is so comprehensive and ruthless.  It is worse than inhuman.  It is therefore a great encouragement to know that the Devil will finally be defeated and cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10) and the Lord will be on His throne forever unchallenged (Revelation 22:1).
Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ

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