SRN News

April 4, 2013
In My Opinion
The Bible vs. Heart
By: Dennis Prager
I offer the single most politically incorrect statement a modern American -- indeed a modern Westerner, period -- can make: I first look to the Bible for moral guidance and for wisdom. I say this even though I am not a Christian (I am a Jew, and a non-Orthodox one at that). And I say this even though I attended an Ivy League graduate school (Columbia), where I learned nothing about the Bible there except that it was irrelevant, outdated and frequently immoral. I say this because there is nothing -- not any religious or secular body of work -- that comes close to the Bible in forming the moral bases of Western civilization and therefore of nearly all moral progress in the world.
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The Weekly Feed
Warning to Lawmakers: Seniors Demand Death Tax Repeal
By: 60 Plus Association
Senator John Thune (R-SD) has proposed an amendment to the Senate Budget Resolution submitted by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) that would provide a deficit neutral fund for the permanent repeal of the death tax. Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, noted that his organization has been leading the charge and pushing for repeal of what Martin described as an “onerous tax” at death and “we commend Senator Thune for his continued leadership to kill the Death Tax.”
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SRN Talkers

Bill Bennett

Bill spoke with Crystal Wright about the culture, politics, and American family unit.
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Mike Gallagher

Mike talks about Mark Sanford's big win in South Carolina as well as all the political opinions circling around the issue.
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Dennis Prager

President Obama heard a sermon over Easter in which the pastor called out the (racist) “captains of the religious right.” Who are they, pastor?
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Michael Medved

Princeton Alumna Urges Women to Find Husbands on Campus Before Graduating
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Hugh Hewitt

Hugh talks about the idiotic gun control comments by Colorado Congresswoman DeGette.
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SRN Correspondents

Greg Clugston
White House Correspondent
SRN Correspondent Greg Clugston keeps you informed about all the news coming from the White House.
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Linda Kenyon
Capitol Hill Correspondent (Senate)
Reporting from Capitol Hill, Linda Kenyon has updates on what's going on in the Senate.
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Wally Hindes
Capitol Hill Reporter
SRN Correspondent Wally Hindes reports the latest events from Capitol Hill.
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Featured Articles
USA Today
Middle East Christians need our protection
By: Kirsten Powers
"Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world." So asserted German Chancellor Angela Merkel late last year, causing a stir. Merkel echoed a concern expressed by then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who warned in a 2011 speech that Christians face a "particularly wicked program of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing." Merkel spoke of real persecution of hundreds of millions of Christians around the world. Indeed, a 2011 Pew Forum study found that Christians are harassed in 130 countries, more than any of the world's other religions.
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Real Clear Politics
The Sad State of Liberal Education at Bowdoin
By: Peter Berkowitz
The corruption of liberal education is nothing new. In 1951, in “God and Man at Yale,” brash young William F. Buckley Jr. showed that curriculum at his alma mater -- in particular the teaching and scholarship of the economic, political science, and religion departments -- promulgated a reflexive statism and atheism. Buckley attributed the politicization of the curriculum and the advocacy of left-liberal orthodoxy to thoughtlessness and complacency. He warned that if reforms were not soon adopted, the very understanding of liberal education as the pursuit of knowledge would increasingly be extirpated within the halls of the academy.
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Shame On Us If Newtown Panic Leads To Unwise Gun Laws
By: Gene Healy
"We need everybody to remember how we felt a hundred days ago," he said when images of the carnage—six adults and 20 children dead—were painfully fresh in our minds. Fear and loathing were appropriate reactions to the Newtown atrocity, but they make for a spectacularly lousy mindset for evaluating legislation. Given some of the destructive proposals Congress has entertained post-Newtown, it's good that we've got a little distance on the horror and can bring sober judgment to bear.
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