Shocking confessional video

I have breaking news.

I'm sure you remember the shooter that burst into the headquarters of a fellow pro-Family
organization back in August and shot one of their security guards.

What you may not know is this shooter targeted Public Advocate that same day.

A few hours ago, this shocking video was released with the shooter's stunning

The shooter admits "after a little bit of research" he found the location of anti-gay groups
from the Southern Poverty Law Center's website where they list and name organization's
they believe should be punished.

Watch the video and read about my ongoing battle with the SPLC.

Worse yet, after the attack, the SPLC attempted to update their list of targets
by publishing my home address.

Public Advocate Banner

And please share this video with your friends and family.  Let the SPLC and the
Homosexual Lobby know their bullying tactics will be exposed.

- Eugene

As you know, for the past few months I've been fighting off a legal attack from the Southern Poverty
Law Center (SPLC) -- the Homosexual Lobby's most vicious attack dog.

But the truth is, I haven't been completely forthcoming with you.

Not because I didn't want to share with you the details, but because I've been under a "gag order"
from the authorities

That "gag order" has been lifted, so today I'm going to lay it all out there so you can better understand
how real and dangerous of a threat the radical Homosexual Lobby really is.

You see, the radical homosexual activists have done way more than attempt to use the strong arm of the
legal process to shut down Public Advocate.

I wish it was just that.

But unfortunately, radical homosexuals have been threatening my life for years now.

And not too long ago, one came very close to taking it.

I'm sure you remember the shooter that burst into the headquarters of the Family Research Council
back in August and shot one of their security guards.

But what you do not know is that the very same shooter targeted Public Advocate earlier that day.

In fact, I've been told by the FBI that the shooter possessed a list of pro-Family organizations he
obtained from the Internet -- including Public Advocate.

And according to eyewitness reports, the shooter was seen at Public Advocate's office in the past.

The authorities' "gag order" forced me to remain silent about all of this.

But after the SPLC's lawyer posted my HOME ADDRESS in a pleading available to the public, the
"gag order" was lifted and I'm now allowed to tell you the details.

As you can imagine, these past few months have been tough on me, my wife, and my children.

Just imagine how tough it is for them thinking there could be a radical homosexual lurking around any
corner at any time, ready to attack.

No child or woman should have to live in that fear.

And imagine the added pressure of fighting an expensive legal battle with the SPLC at the same time --
a legal battle that could potentially force Public Advocate to close down our doors for good.

Thankfully, the authorities agreed the SPLC was recklessly endangering my family and ordered their
location sealed.

And with the August shooter safely in custody, I've been assured my family is safe from any
immediate threats

But it hasn't been easy.

Aside from my faith in God, my family and my convictions, the only comfort I've had over the last
few months was knowing there were thousands of God-fearing folks like you standing behind
Public Advocate.

And now -- more than ever -- I need to know I can count on your continued support.

You see, the SPLC hasn't backed down, and Public Advocate is still fighting their expensive and
vicious legal attacks

Without an immediate influx of funds, I'm afraid Public Advocate could be forced to massively scale
back on all future operations.

Or -- as much as it pains me to even think about -- be forced to shut down and close our doors
forever.  Of course, it's no secret the phony SPLC made their name and fortune over the years by
raising money just so they could attempt to cripple conservative and pro-Family organizations with
frivolous lawsuits, false allegations or "hate crimes" and more.

That's why I need you to make an emergency contribution to help Public Advocate in this ongoing fight.

I'm the latest target in their war against the Family.

And they're willing to spend whatever it takes to bring their most hated pro-Family organization --
Public Advocate -- to our knees

You see, the radical Homosexual Lobby is gearing up to push their perverse legislative agenda like
never before.

And they'd love nothing more than to finally remove the largest "thorn in their side."

So please don't delete this email -- or think "I can just get to this tomorrow."

Should the radical homosexuals bleed Public Advocate dry, they're confident they'll be able to make
their homosexual agenda the law of the land, including

          *** The Homosexual Classrooms Act, which would mandate pro-homosexual lessons in
                  EVERY school -- even private and religious ones;

          *** The Gay Bill of Special Rights, which would grant homosexuals special protections that
                  no other Americans have;

          *** Federally recognized homosexual "marriage," officially declaring perversion as equal to
                 the Sanctity of REAL marriage.

You and I can't allow them to get away with this.  I'd love to have unlimited funds to fight the radical
Homosexual Lobby on all fronts.

But I have to face facts.  Our budget is already stretched razor-thin.

And looking at our bank accounts, as it stands today, I just don't have the money to put up the
strong fight it will take to win.

I barely have the funds to run our basic day-to-day operations.

Can you chip in today?

Without an IMMEDIATE influx of funds, I'm going to either be forced to cut back our most critical
programs -- or maybe close down for good.

I know that's a decision I may have to make, but I can hardly imagine doing it.

The good news is, there is one weapon in our arsenal that the radical homosexuals don't have --
and that's the dedicated support of God-fearing Americans like you.

Can I count on you to make a generous contribution of $35 to help Public Advocate
continue our fight for pro-Family values?

I know that's a lot to ask -- but the stakes have never been higher and the threat has never been greater.

If $35 is too much, I hope you'll at least consider a contribution of $25, $10 -- or whatever
you can afford

Any amount you can contribute will help Public Advocate fight back against the SPLC's vicious attacks.

And if you could take a few minutes to say a prayer for my family's safety, it would mean the world to me.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. The Southern Poverty Law Center hasn't backed down. Even after an attempt on my life by a
radical pro-homosexual gunman, the SPLC still tried to expose the undisclosed location of my family
in public records.

And while I have refused to back down -- despite the threats to my life -- I still have to face facts:
Our budget is already stretched razor-thin

And the SPLC is more than happy to silence our message through bankruptcy, if threats and
intimidation don't work.

So please send a generous contribution of $35, $25 -- or whatever you can afford
IMMEDIATELY to help me fight this legal battle

Contributions or gifts to Public Advocate of the U.S. are not tax deductible.
Public Advocate is a nonprofit organization that fights the radical agenda of
the Homosexual Lobby. Public Advocate receives no government funds. You may
reach us at: Public Advocate, P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, VA 22116; phone
(703) 845-1808;

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