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Latest From Chip Wood April 5, 2013
The Battle To Define Marriage The Battle To Define Marriage »
Rush Limbaugh said that allowing gay marriage in America is now “inevitable.” Do you agree? The popular talk-show host told his radio audience the issue was lost when the word “marriage” was redefined. It is amazing to me how quickly sentiment on this issue has changed. More »

Freedom Watch

British Man Wins Small Victory For 9/11 Truthers British Man Wins Small Victory For 9/11 Truthers »
A British 9/11 truther is claiming victory following a court ruling that said he did not have to pay a fine over his refusal to pay his annual £130 TV license fee. Tony Rooke claimed the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks. More »

Personal Liberty News

Connecticut Passes Gun Grab While Other States Dig In To Protect 2nd Amendment Connecticut Passes Gun Grab While Other States Dig In To Protect 2nd Amendment »
The Connecticut Legislature passed its sweeping package of gun control early Thursday, vastly tightening restrictions on firearms ownership in a State already regarded by gun control advocates, long before the December 2012 Sandy Hook tragedy, as having the Nation’s fifth-toughest gun laws. More »

FP Calls Ted Cruz Most Hated Man In The Senate, And That’s A Good Thing FP Calls Ted Cruz Most Hated Man In The Senate, And That’s A Good Thing »
In a short period of time, freshman Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has proven to supporters back home and throughout the Nation that he is a shining example of an anti-establishment Republican. He has followed through with his campaign promises; as a result, the GOP elite loathe the Senator. More »

Congress To Hash Out Cybersecurity In The Dark Congress To Hash Out Cybersecurity In The Dark »
Privacy advocates are standing up to oppose a bill before the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that would grant more powers to corporations for sharing customer data among themselves and, if the bill survives the committee process whole, the government. More »

We’ve Recently Moved To The Disqus Commenting System We’ve Recently Moved To The Disqus Commenting System »
In an effort to create a better user experience for our readers and offer a more engaging commenting format, we've switched to Disqus. As with any change, there are always questions that come up. I'd like to take a few moments and go over some questions commenters have raised. More »

Chip Shots

‘Tyrannical’ Obama

Black business leader blasts Obama. Why not sequester foreign aid? Rand Paul did not say that. And charging passengers by weight.

Chip Wood shares news tidbits and says what he thinks about them.  More »

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