Tea Party News

Tea Party News
  Obama suffers amnesia blaming Bush for economy

In the current narrative presented by Democratic Party operatives, the banking industry collapse of September 2008 was caused by tax cuts under George W. Bush and supply-side econ... (more)
  Not 2008: Big Drop in Viewers for Day One of Dem Convention

The headline speakers last night in Charlotte were a mayor nobody has heard of and First Lady Michelle Obama. Last night and this morning, the media are tripping over each other to heap ... (more)

  Dem compares GOP guv to Hitler's mistress

South Carolina Democratic chairman Dick Harpootlian compared his state's Republican female governor, Nikki Haley, to Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun this morning at a breakfast in Cha... (more)
  Dems move speech indoors, cite lightning

Democrats today announced that President Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will move from the vast Bank of America stadium to the much-smaller Time Warner indoor arena. Whi... (more)

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