ACLU: Help stop a tragic execution

Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself

Your action today could help prevent a tragic injustice in Pennsylvania, where the state is set to turn a blind eye to outrageous prosecutorial misconduct and put Terry Williams to death.

The ACLU opposes the death penalty in all circumstances. But, the details of Terry Williams's case are especially troubling.

Last week, a majority of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, including the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, recommended that Terry's life should be spared. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania requires a unanimous recommendation in favor of clemency in order for the governor to even consider it.

Urge the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons to spare Terry Williams's life.

As a child and teen, Terry endured horrifying abuse at the hands of numerous, much older, sexually-predatory men. Ultimately, he killed two of his abusers — murders for which he has expressed deep remorse.

But, the trial judge and jury that convicted Terry Williams of one of those murders and sentenced him to death knew nothing of the predatory and abusive acts by both of the men Williams killed. They portrayed one of those men, Amos Norwood, as an innocent stranger — even though, at the time of the trial, they had extensive evidence that wasn't the case.

Tomorrow morning, the Board meets again. We have less than 24 hours to urge them not to ignore the graphic evidence of Terry's horrifying trauma history.

Demand justice. Urge the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons to recommend clemency for Terry Williams.

We can't let America be a nation where prosecutors can get away with lying and cheating to put a person to death. Please act right now.

Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU

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