Cover Up: U.S. Knew Al-Qaeda Behind Libya Attack Within 24 Hours If these reports are true, and I suspect we all know they are — what we have here is nothing more than a scandalous White House cover up and Obama’s Media Palace Guards so terrified of … READ MORE | |
Romney’s Conservative Critics are Missing the Point In spite of Obama’s continual missteps in foreign and domestic policy, he has been able to pull ahead in presidential preference polls. This fact has some conservative commentators stirred up and throwing rhetorical barbs ... READ MORE |
- Media Malpractice: NYT Poll Pushes Absurd Democratic Turnout Model
- Libyan President Contradicts Obama: Film Not Responsible for Attack
- Navy SEALs to Obama: We Aren’t Bumps in the Road
- Obama to ACORN: You’ve Got a Friend in Me
- Are Media Polls Oversampling Democrats?
- Obama Donor Wrote ‘Nonpartisan’ Congressional Report Backing Liberal Tax Policy
- Hillary Clinton Stumps for Global Tax on Rich
- Colin Powell on Capitalism: ‘We Shouldn’t Be Afraid of That Word. It’s What Gave Us All Our Wealth’
- Conservative or liberal, gray matter may decide how you vote in November
- Sarah Palin shares photos of family hunting, lefties spew vitriol
- CNN Hid Libya Ambassador’s Diary That Expresses Concern Over Security
- Romney’s Conservative Critics are Missing the Point
- Why the Left Are Bigots
- Mike Huckabee Obtains Statement From Chick-Fil-A (Surprise! The Media Lied)
- I See My Country being Ruined: What can I Do? I Feel so Helpless:
- Tally Ho! Americans Fight for Freedom
- Barack “Scandal” Obama
- Eye on the Enemy Within
- The Legacy-of-Slavery Excuse Debunked
- Did Chick-Fil-A “Chicken” Out? (Breaking News-Story Developing)
- PatriotUpdate.com is dedicated to the ideals of a free press, featuring headlines submitted by our readers as well as daily commentary provided by our editors and guest writers. Of particular note are the regular syndicated columns of well-known thinkers, including Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Norris, Dick Morris, Floyd Brown, and Michael Reagan.
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