Study proves: Homosexual-parenting is bad for children

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Finally, there is scientifically backed research to show what mainstream Americans have always known:

Homosexual-parenting is bad for children.

Mark Regnerus, a researcher at the University of Texas, just published his exhaustive findings, proving children raised by one or more homosexual parents were undeniably harmed by it.

This historic study finally debunks the Homosexual Lobby's myth that children raised in homosexual households turn out exactly the same as those raised in a stable home with a mother and a father.

When compared to children raised by a traditional family, the children of homosexual parents are 3 or even 4 times more likely to indulge in self-destructive habits.

They are also 3 to 4 times more likely to indulge in homosexual activities than kids with a mother and a father in the home.

And maybe the most horrifying revelation, the rate of sexual abuse among these children from parental figures was staggeringly higher...

Not surprisingly, the establishment’s very first reaction was to smear Mr. Regnerus’ reputation and attempt to drive him out of academia.

His own university -- acting in support of the Homosexual Agenda -- immediately opened investigations into his research methods, claiming that the results must have been altered.

However, once officials familiarized themselves with his work, they were forced to unequivocally admit that the research was one-hundred percent sound.

Of course even after their endorsement, the pro-homosexual establishment is still insisting that it’s all “lies” and “hate.”

But you and I know better.

Public Advocate has fought for more than 30 years against homosexual adoption.

But if the Gay Bill of Special Rights is passed by the Obama White House and the Leftist-controlled Senate, homosexual adoption will explode in this country.

Already we have seen Catholic adoption organizations shut down for refusing to turn innocent children over to homosexual “couples.”

If the Homosexual Lobby is allowed to create a superior protected class for homosexuals, homosexual adoption and homosexual parenting will become the new “norm” in America.

But as long as pro-Family Americans stand strong against them, I know Public Advocate can defeat their radical agenda.


Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please prayerfully consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight for traditional values.

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